In “The Real World,” There’s No Escape from Death or Taxes (The Gateway)

The more Kevin Powell compares Ed Towns to Charlie Rangel, the more Kevin starts to bear an eerie resemblance to the fat man with the funny NYC accent. Former 'Real World' star Kevin Powell has a real financial mountain to climb in bid for Congress


I wanted to do one of my deconstructions on this epic (where Kevin Powell explain he’s just a barefoot boy from the Ghetto who owes a million dollars and taxes and now lives on government cheese) but some things are just impervious to satire; As they say in Yiddish, Caveat Readitor & Res Ipsa Loquitur. (To be fair, the article may be the first time on record where Powell does not refer to himself in the first person plural– maybe he'd cut his tax bill if he filed a joint return) My Financial Life — and Yours, Too


P-Funk Guitarist Phelps “Catfish” Collins dead of cancer; a sad day for funk fans Bootsy's brother succumbs to cancer | | Cincinnati.Com. The Good News is that Catfish and Gary "Diaperman" Shider will be opening for Richard Pryor at Kevin Powell's next fundraiser



Carl Paladino just announced he wants to use eminent domain to condemn the Pentagon. War Room: Why did no one object to the "Pentagon mosque"?



Congressman Anthony Snatch Tries to Mosque His True Feelings: "I hope that as this issue is going forward, there is a process …[which will] allow fair questions to be raised."

WTF is this man talking about? There've been two sets of loud and contentious public hearings, and now the administrative review process is OVER!

Tony the Hot Dog obviously left his balls in his other pair of pants (hopefully the one his Islamic wife won't let him into until he grows another set)–the “man” has forfeited the right to use of the word Weiner. Rep. Anthony Weiner's Position On Ground Zero Mosque?


Can't wait for the press conference where Saujani and Peter King trade endorsements. Rep. Carolyn Maloney Faces Challenger, Evidence of Split on 9/11 Health Bill –



The Chief of Staff for the Conference Leader of the NYS Senate Democrats is running for office….in New Jersey??????????????????? Michael Cohen for Englewood City Council