The Gateway (Chavez, Espada, Hikind, Parker, Powell and Other Thugs Edititon)

It is time for my friends on the left to stop making excuses and acknowledge that Chavez is just a thug, (not so) pure and simpleWelcome To Censorship In The 21st Century | The New Republic


They tried to write a song about Pedro, but the piano didn't have notes that low Warning Letter Sent to Supporters of Espada Opponent – City Room Blog –


Dov Hikind admits to raising funds for 20 Republican Congressional candidates. Is the State Democratic Party going to bring a disenrollment proceeding? If not, why is Pedro Espada wrong when he cries about Anti-Latino discrimination? Rep. McMahon In ‘Jewish Money’ Flap | The Jewish Week


Kevin Powell is truly amazing; first he compared himself to Cory Booker and his opponent Ed Towns to Sharpe James, when Powell's asshole buddy is James' former goon, Ras Baraka; then he compared Towns to Charlie Rangel, when Powell’s the one who can't seen to properly file his paperwork. Congressional Hopeful Kevin Powell: About That Money Thing… Updated


Rock returns; insignificant quibbles aside, we pretty much agree on Kevin Parker (not to mention Kevin Powell). SENATOR KEVIN PARKER: FIGHTING AGAIN. | Room Eight


Though no one I know would choose to live there, Gaza ain't Darfur; so why does it get so much more attention? How the blockade affects Gazans. – By Sarah A. Topol


Is Gingrich an Al-Qaeda operative? The Gingrich-Bin Laden alliance. – By William Saletan


Liberals are arguing about when Frum is going to pull a “David Brock;” I think he may have done so already Refudiate the 9/11 Mosque Boycott | FrumForum


Normally, I would not chose to bait a candidate on this, but given Suajani's shameless prior pandering to the Zionist right, I think it's fair to ask her if she agrees with the following statement of Deepak Chopra's or not:

"Making Hamas into a unique demon is pure propaganda. They owe their slim power to two things: the untold misery of life in the Palestinian territories, which fans rebellion at its most extreme, and the sufferance of Israel and the Arab world, together who could bypass Hamas and reach meaningful accords without them." Chopra To Discuss Foreign Policy At Saujani Event

A brilliant solution to the unpopularity of individual mandates. The folks in Missouri need to be shown.Op-Ed Contributor – How Obama Can Introduce Choice to Health Care Reform –


Councilman Jumaane Williams' predecessors Kendall Stewart was so awful that not even this act of stupidity will make me regret Stewart’s defeat; that being said (and that being sad), I think Williams has no alternative but to blame this outburst of indiscretion on his Tourette’s Syndrome.Brooklyn Councilman Says Longer Term Limit Would Help His Pension –


For all my friends at the Waterfront Alehouse How Jimmy Carter Saved Beer | The New Republic
