The Gateway (Who Was That Mosqued Man? Edition)

Thomas Jefferson: Wimpy America Hating Multiculturalist Liberal Quisling Appeaser: Jefferson On The Toleration Of Islam – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan


Damn it, the Federalists have sold America out too US president George Washington on Islam | Pakistan Daily


Where have you gone George W Bush, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you, woo woo woo A Task for George W. Bush – Politics – The Atlantic


But, if the only possible way to stop Republicans from Islam-bating is to return them to the White House, then perhaps there are worse things in the world than bigotry.Non-Ironic Bush Nostalgia | The New Republic


Just when you thought Rick Lazio couldn't stoop any lower:

Could there be anything more disgraceful than promising to appoint to an adjudicatory body members who have prejudged whether the sale of building could impact a utility's capacity to deliver services? A building the utility’s already leased out for non-power related purposes for the next 51 years? Lazio: Let's pull plug on mosque –


Dov Hikind, who raises money to finance settlements the Israeli government considers illegal, using as a conduit a "charity" headed by a Rabbi who is the Executive Director of a "hate group" headed by the Rabbi who issued a successful fatwa calling for Yitzhak Rabin’s murder complains about "instances where terrorist monies were used to fund seemingly innocuous projects,” and then has the nerve to accuse someone else of Chutzpah. The Yeshiva World Hikind Slams Bloomberg Over Ground Zero Mosque Remarks « » Frum Jewish News


Shelly Silver joins Dickless Brodsky, Tony Weinerless & Bill DeBlasio in the spineless equivocator’s Hall of Shame:

Yes, Mr. Speaker, you are correct, "…people are entitled to their opinions. Disagreement is one of the fundamental principles of our country…People have a right to agree and disagree."

But Mr. Speaker, free speech also means that other people have the right to call them out and shame them (if such a thing is even possible).

Despicable Nazi bastards have the right to march on Grand Street; they are "entitled to their opinions." Are you trying to me tell that the Mayor and the Assemblyman from Grand Street should refrain from telling such scum they ought to be ashamed of themselves?

Shame on You, Mr. Speaker. Shel-Mike 'shame' tiff –


Back in 2006, I wrote a really damning critique of Ed Towns, spotlighting the disgraceful manner in which he had once handled the issue of the use of US force in Kosovo, so this caught me by surprise.

I've been a supporters of our efforts in Afghanistan, but have lately have had my doubts. Mr. Towns has been an opponent, but now has moved to the opposite corner.

I am not sure Mr. Towns is right, but despite facing a serious primary, in which his new found position is surely the unpopular one, Mr. Towns has made his own inquiry into the facts, and has for perhaps the first time in his career made a decision purely as a matter of conscience.

I would probably support a three toed sloth against Mr. Towns' opponent Kevin Powell (though I'd support even Mr. Powell against Charles Barron), and have never really considered Mr. Towns a considerable improvement over that low standard, but for once, Mr. Towns has done his constituents proud (even if, as I suspect, his decision here is the wrong one).


It's a real bad day for Bloomie when he can't even win a fixed fight No non-partisan primaries this year? – Maggie Haberman –


Every long journey starts with one step Department:

Maoist paper supports Charles Barron. Support Charles Barron andtheFreedomParty


McMahon Jewish money fiasco a plot by the Republican spokesperson. Staten Island Advance propounds a theory first raised by Gatemouth. Jewish money' flap stirs conspiracy theory


When a conservative Republican like Bob Inglis can be vilified out of office (by a stunning 71/29 margin) for refusing to call the President a socialist and failing to deny the President's patriotism, it is time to wonder whether winning the Civil War was really worth all the blood and treasure. Republican Party starts to kill its own: S.C. Rep. Bob Inglis ousted for not hating Obama enough