E-Mosque-culated (The Gateway)

Azi Paybarah says: GOP #nysen candidate Bruce Blakeman: "mosque in shadow of ground zero mocks the death of my nephew, Tommy" #wtc #groundzero #islam

Gatemouth says: wow–a two-headed cheap exploitation, but no matter how hard Blakeman plays for pathos, I can't stop laughing about how a politician emasculated by the public exposure that Paul McCartney was fucking his wife (sadly, his sole real claim to fame) is now running a therapeutic race for the US Senate, as he tries to soothe his limp and puny wounded masculinity with the political equivalent of buying a big sports car he can't afford.


Hendrik Hertzberg does the Carmelite Convent at Auschwitz comparison with the Young Men's Islamic Association proposed for the Holy Mother Cat factory. This argument that the issues are one and the same is now ready to receive the Holy Sacrament of Extreme Unction.

Money quote (among many): "In their fundraising appeal, the convent’s sponsors described the convent as “a spiritual fortress and a guarantee of the conversion of strayed brothers from our countries as well as proof of our desire to erase outrages so often done to the Vicar of Christ.” Whether or not “the strayed brothers” requiring “conversion” is a reference to Jews—it might refer to fallen-away Catholics—it’s hard to interpret the reference to “outrages” supposedly perpetrated against the “Vicar of Christ” as anything other than an allusion to the well-documented charges that Pope Pius XII was, shall we say, less than fully engaged in trying to prevent the Nazi slaughter of the Jews of Europe." Hendrik Hertzberg: Cordoba and the Carmelites : The New Yorker www.newyorker.com


Column most likely to fall upon deaf ears. Obama's Islamic Center Stance: Why the GOP Shouldn't Run Against It www.time.com


Yes (I say, in the manner of Molly Bloom) to topless bars and lingerie shops near Ground Zero, they are an affirmation of the life force in a place where too many died (and why should religion be the only available opiate nearby?); why do you think Bruce Sprinsteen called his 9/11 recovery album "The Rising"? . Ground Zero Mosque Name Belies Distance From World Trade Center Site, Other Local Realities www.aolnews.com


I know all conservative columnist are not either stupid or despicable, so why does the Post only offer these too flavors? Last month Andrea Peyser proved she survives only because of her feeding and hydration tubes, when her portrayal of "The Kids are All Right" as an idyllic portrait of lesbian parenthood proved she was too dumb to live. Peyser acted as if Hollywood was somehow forcing families headed by LGTB couples down the country's throat (perhaps a poor choice of word) by portraying their fairy tail existence. There is no rational explanation for this incoherent babbling, except perhaps that the Cobble Hill Theatre is a sixplex and she walked into the wrong film.

But as clueless as Peyser is, she cannot beat the sheer repugnance of Michael Goodwin, who by paragraph four (where I could no longer bear to read further) just about asks the President to show us his birth certificate. Unshakeable Bam's latest shaky stand – NYPOST.com www.nypost.com


A perro bites hombre story Thousands Of Dollars And Required Paperwork Go Missing From Pedro Espada PAC www.cityhallnews.com


Money quote: "Fox built up a Republican president; MSNBC is trying to make its reputation by tearing down a Democratic one."

Duh quote: "it’s apparent that the word progressive is kind of meaningless.“ Op-Ed Columnist – No Love From the Lefties – NYTimes.com nytimes.com


Callahan is my new hero. Writer Jim Callaghan says UFT booted him for trying to unionize his colleagues www.nydailynews.com


The Zalis and Aronis finally find an issue on which they agree. Child molesting rabbi gets special kosher food in jail – NYPOST.com www.nypost.com


Did this rental agreement have a no-pets clause? I ask, because Sharpton seems to be the Mayor’s bitch. $110K grant kept Rev. Al Sharpton quiet about Mayor Bloomberg changing term limits www.nydailynews.com


A wonderful rebuke to both Churchill's idolaters and detractors.

"This is the great, enduring paradox of Churchill’s life. In leading the charge against Nazism, he produced some of the richest prose poetry in defense of freedom and democracy ever written. It was a check he didn’t want black or Asian people to cash, but… as the Ghanaian nationalist Kwame Nkrumah wrote, “all the fair brave words spoken about freedom that had been broadcast to the four corners of the earth took seed and grew where they had not been intended.” Churchill lived to see democrats across Britain’s imperial conquests use his own hope-songs of freedom against him. " Book Review – Churchill’s Empire – By Richard Toye – NYTimes.com www.nytimes.com