The Gateway (No, I Haven’t Changed My Mind About Bloomie Edition)

Bloomberg will always stand up for the right of minority groups to pray, but not to vote. The Secret Campaign of Mayor Mike | The New York Observer


Bad pun of the day; the Board of Education has just approved a non-religious Islamically themed charter school originally conceived by Deborah Almontaser, on the condition that she be replaced by Eva Mosquekowitz 


If Ground Zero is "sacred ground," then some might call the political rally scheduled for near there on September 11 a desecration. However, the First Amendment right to free speech and assembly trumps any outrage some might have about what they perceive to be a monumental act of bad taste and political pimpery.

Or as the President might put it:

"I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of having a political hate rally there on that date. I was commenting very specifically on the right people have that dates back to our founding. That's what our country is about. And I think it's very important as difficult as some of these issues are that we stay focused on who we are as a people and what our values are all about."

On the other hand, I am praying for a tornado.


Kinsley analyzes the issue with his usual ruthless, merciless and unyielding logic. The only problem is that he's playing tennis and the other side is playing football. Cordoba House and the First Amendment | The Atlantic Wire


Beinart’s impassioned anguish and outrage speak volumes.

Money quote: "Once upon a time, the “war on terror” was supposed to bring American values to Saudi Arabia. Now Newt Gingrich says we shouldn’t build a mosque in Lower Manhattan until the Saudis build churches and synagogues in Mecca—which is to say, we’re bringing Saudi values to the United States."

Though somewhat tangential, I also can’t resist including this little observation about the limits of "The new Tolerant Intolerance":

"Until a month or so ago, I genuinely believed that the American right had become a religiously ecumenical place. Right-wing Baptists loved right-wing Catholics and they both loved right-wing Orthodox Jews. All you had to do to join the big tent was denounce feminists, Hollywood, and gays. But when push came to shove, Sarah Palin didn’t care about Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s position on gay marriage. In today’s GOP, even bigotry doesn’t spare you from bigotry. I wonder what Mitt Romney was thinking, as he added his voice to the anti-Muslim chorus. He surely knows that absent the religious right’s hostility to Mormons, he’d likely have been the GOP’s 2008 presidential nominee. I look forward to his paeans to religious freedom when anti-Mormonism rears its head again in 2012." Ground Zero Mosque Controversy: America Has Disgraced Itself


I'm really dubious about the attached article, but it did generate an interesting thought. What if everyone who says their problem is ONLY the particular location (a group which may not constitute a majority of those complaining, given the well-documented opposition to mosques in other NYC neighborhood and around the country) pledged to finance the entire $100 million cost of this facility at a different Lower Manhattan location (and found the location).

Do I hear any pledges? SHOW ME THE MONEY! Muslim leaders to abandon plans for Ground Zero community center


The article notes: " Every year Jews emerge from the Passover Seder table with one indelible message — remember that you were strangers in the land of Egypt, that you were degraded and humiliated for no reason save that you were Jews. As Jews, we therefore must raise our voices and do all in our power to prevent such bigotry from being directed at any other people or faith. The empathy taught by our tradition demands that Jews neither be silent nor forbearing in the face of such injustice."

Now before someone points out the situations are very different, because we are dealing in the present time with a fifth column in our midst, let us remember the immortal words of Pharaoh: "Come, let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply, and, if war breaks out, they join our enemies and fight against us" Guest Voices: Why Jews should support mosque near Ground Zero – On Faith at


Forgetting for a moment about their role in local land use issues, I feel compelled to ask if Sufis are geopolitically the theological equivalent in the Near East to what the Kurds are ethnically–a group whose history has made them our greatest potential allies. The answer, I think is somewhat–the Sufis also have an ideological stake in our friendship.

I am also struck by the way they echo the divisions in my own religion. I'm not sure whether Sufis qualify as Reform or Reconstructionist, but one line of this article really hit home for me:

"Those hypocrites! They sit there reading their law books and arguing about how long their beards should be, and fail to listen to the true message of the prophet.” Op-Ed Contributor – Sufis – The Muslims in the Middle –


Though I think him wrong about the President here, I still think we should make Stewart the DNC Chair. Stewart RIPS Fox News For Contradictory Statements On Ground Zero Mosque (VIDEO)


Bill Maher: “Maybe if America had BUILT SOMETHING in the last 9 yrs at Ground Zero people wouldn’t be so touchy about the mosque going up there.” Posted from twitter


Non-story goes viral The Harvard Divestment Non-Story – International – The Atlantic


Back in 77, when the Sex Pistols couldn't get into America to play their gig on SNL, Elvis Costello filled in the breach, so I guess it's only appropriate that Rotten has filled EC's void in Israel.

Money quote: “I really resent the presumption that I'm going there to play to right-wing Nazi jews (sic). If Elvis-fucking-Costello wants to pull out of a gig in Israel because he's suddenly got this compassion for Palestinians, then good on him. But I have absolutely one rule, right? Until I see an Arab country, a Muslim country, with a democracy, I won't understand how anyone can have a problem with how they're treated." Johnny Rotten, Neocon – International – The Atlantic


If we can't get this guy disenrolled from the Party, can we at least get him thrown off the NYS Democratic State Committee? Query to all you so-called “progressive” candidates for Democratic State Committee out there; how many of you have the guts to publicly to publicly call for Hikind’s expulsion from the DSC for the crime of violating his fiduciary duties to the Party? Hikind urges Jews to vote for GOPers – Maggie Haberman –


As Shel Silverstein once said (though the mouths of Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show): "I've got all the friends that money can buy, so I never have to be alone.." Niagara GOP Flips From Rick Lazio To Carl Paladino In Gubernatorial Support


Birds of feather. Espada Picks Up Non-Progressive Elected Endorsement | The New York Observer


Mark Green opines on Charter Change. Least surprising observation: both Green and his fellow run-off victim, Freddy Ferrer, favor instant runoff voting rather than the two-week sudden death round (and so do I, in EVERY ELECTION). Best idea: Stopping annual Charter Commissions. Changing the City’s Charter. Again? | The New York Observer


While Andrew Cuomo brought this problem entirely upon himself, the thought of Barron controlling his own party line is a nightmare writ large, so thank you Lew Fidler. Councilman Lew Fidler: If Andrew Cuomo Won't Challenge Charles Barron's Petitions, I'll Find A Way


Lame video of the day. Gary Tilzer has the original idea of having client Doug Biviano imitate Paul Wellstone imitating Michael Moore (right down to Moore‘s scrupulous disregard for the facts).

I don't buy it the video’s premise. The NYC press has never covered local races, even before the national trend toward dumbing down set in. But that fact is neither here nor there, because the local press is less and less important over time. Article after article about this race would just not do it for Doug. What might is mail, and the elbow grease of door knocking. When the press (though generally not the dailies) sees evidence of that, they do tend to show some interest, and in actuality Dougie does better than most. Last year his Council race got a full blown profile in the Observer when that Paper refused to acknowledge some of the race's serious candidates (Dougie ran six in a field of seven).

But the press is not going to notice people who can't get noticed on their own. It may be unjust that the press doesn't cover races where no money is being spent, but it is not their job to create viable candidacies. If a candidacy is viable, it will break through to the public, press coverage or not. And I should add that, these days it is easier than ever to break through the filter. Even a dimwit like Biv has just managed to do so with his video. A Challenger Takes on the Media | The Empire


Single most annoying thing I read daily on Facebook: “I should not have to Press 1 to hear a message in English…We are in America, learn the language.”

Folks, the fact that businesses offer phone service in multiple languages is not because they have been forced to by the heavy hand of government, or because they are politically correct. They do so because a cost-benefit analysis (or gut instinct) has proven to them that offering services in multiple languages makes them money. So much so, in fact, that they are willing to risk the occasional disgruntled jingoistic yahoo who takes offense.

Since this is another example of Adam Smith's unseen hand, and the magic of the marketplace at work, one must conclude that the people who find this so offensive are un-American socialists. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PRESS 1 TO HEAR A MESSAGE IN ENGLISH… WE ARE IN AMERICA, LEARN THE LANGUAGE