The Gateway (The First Brooklyn and Then The World–If You Think The World’s Manhattan–Edition)

The problem is Parker got the thing by beating up the ram. And Now For Something COMPLETELY Different: State Sen. Kevin Parker Blasts The Shofar


Some prefer to cover the iron fist in a velvet glove…and then there's Vito, who eschews any artifice. Sad to see that Brian Honan was given the "your signature or your brains" treatment, though the protestations by this former Assembly staffer and District Leader candidate that he's somehow a political virgin did give this somewhat appalling story its element of comic relief, as did the idea of Lopez challenging someone's residency.–And actually, I apologize to Vito for the Godfather comparison–the Godfather would have had Tom Hagen make the call. Vito's 'abuse' of power! Lopez called city worker to get goods in political case –


I am trying to put together a Bernie remembrance piece–you can help by sending your memories to, or posting them here. Bernie Catcher, Alev Ha-Sholem | Room Eight


Fabulous story about the disconnect between the politics of Ground Zero and its reality. Mosque debate: New Yorkers take dim view of rabble-rousing outsiders


Rangel's praise of Muslims "sticking to their guns" (As Gatemouth often says, perhaps not the best choice of words) would be of mixed value even if his use of metaphors weren't so unfortunate. Well, at least he didn't say the opposition was "plane nuts." Rangel: ‘Proud’ Of Mosque Supporters ‘Sticking To Their Guns’


Rudy comes out against divisiveness and in favor of sensitivity.

In other news, Bristol Palin has come out against pre-marital sex and in favor of chastity. Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani opposes Ground Zero mosque –


Congressman John Hall's statement about the mosque is so tortured. that even in print, he can barely get the mealy mouthed dissembling off his tongue. Sort of reminds me of his own lyric:

"We've been together since way back when
Sometimes I never want to see you again"
5th NY House Dem Says ‘No’ To Mosque (Updated)


Dean favors the "Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” approach. It is OK to go ahead and do that, but please move far away when you do. I always thought it was clear he'd lost it after that hog calls in Iowa. Dean Stands By Mosque Remarks, Charges Liberal Critics With Being Inflexible


Liz (crediting the work of Ben Smith and Maggie Haberman) makes the interesting point and perhaps accurate point that "The Mosque" debate may in reality be a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing. However, it should be noted that David Frum made the same point before anyone, making me wonder why Liz says "I had bee…n wondering when someone was going to write this story." Still, even if it is all just a big snark hunt, sometimes such escapades end up revealing an awful lot (and a lot that is awful) about character.Mosque Project Pie In The Sky?


Fact check? i've been doin nuthin but fact checks. Still, nice to have. FACT CHECK – Islam Already Lives Near Ground Zero –


Wow! Did anyone realize Rauf spoke at Daniel Pearl's funeral? 'Ground Zero' Imam: 'I Am a Jew, I Have Always Been One' – Politics – The Atlantic
