The Gateway (Probably the Last Before the Election Edition) [But Updated Nonetheless]

If Marty Connor had done this crap with his taxes, Schneiderman's friends at the WFP would have done six mailing about it.Eric Schneiderman Hoodwinks the New York Times (UPDATED)


The shell game continue. The new WFP Party Chair is Three Card Monte. Close friends get to call him TC.With DFS Quiet In 2010, DSCC Helps Fund New WFP Campaign Account


Huntley Stinkley (part 47): Will no one ever learn the lessons of Asquith Reid? Shirley Huntley Steered $33,000 Member Item To Top Aide Ruben Wills, Now Running For Council


Man bites dog. Hikind backs a Democrat.

Shelly told him to, so he obeyed. Now if only Shelly would tell him to stop raising money for Republican Congressional candidates Hikind and DiNapoli – Maggie Haberman


According to Azi, Dan Squadron's campaign committee just gave 2500 to Kevin Parker.

So, how do you feel about all that hope, change, and reform you voted for?


OMFG, what will happen if they put one of these in one of the Freedom Towers?

I'm hoping Newt Gingrich's head explodes Muslim Prayer Room Was Part of Life at Twin Towers


Query: if TNR wants us to listen to their editorials, why don't they link them for free?

Anyway, though I am a charter school skeptic, I otherwise usually line up with the educational reformers against the teachers' unions, so what seem likely to occur in DC is real bad news. The New Republic’s Endorsement Of DC Mayor Adrian Fenty. If Vincent Gray Wins, The City Will Lose Mi


Leon Wiesletier is oft times long-winded and obscure (sounds like someone you know?), but as often happens, when he gets it right, he gets it exactly right (another one you have to buy, but worth it) Leon Wieseltier On The Ground Zero Mosque And The Need For Vigilance And Tolerance. | The New Republ


Why liberal critics of Obama are imbeciles (unfortunately, you'll have to buy it or subscribe to read the whole thing, but it's worth it) Obama's Big Problem Is With Liberals And The Left Wing | The New Republic


Why are so many Dems on the wrong side of the class war? Because they spend all their time hanging with Rich people Why So Many Dems Are On The Wrong Side Of The Class War | The New Republic

Got a robo-call from Doug biviano lying about being "endorsed by the Daily News." What a scummy little twerp" 


Actual Facebook Post:

Jesse Strauss: "The Brooklyn Paper calls me "a model of what a district leader should be: knows how to work the grass roots, and [is] not corruptible." thx!"

Actual Editorial: "Owens is the class of this field, having been involved in local politics for years. Both he and Strauss would be reliable votes against controversial county leader Vito Lopez, and both are practically a model of what a district l…eader should be: they know how to work the grass roots, and are not corruptible. Much less is known about Williamson, who appears to be backing the party boss. That disqualifies him from contention. We endorse Owens."

Yes, Jesse should be very proud.
The Brooklyn Paper: Your complete last-minute election guide — with our endorsements!


Gatemouth’s Blog now at 200 Members! (Deamn, someone saw this and now it's back to 199)