Dan’s New Dodge

I previously criticized Staten Island DA Dan Donovan for saying he couldn’t endorse Carl Paladino because of the District Attorneys Association Code of Conduct.




The Association is a private group that Donovan joined voluntarily and it nor power to prevent Donovan or anyone else from doing anything.


Now Dan has taken his dodge to the next level by claiming that “I am prohibited from making any comments about Mr. Paladino's race. About Mr. Wilson's race. About Mr. DioGuardi's race."




What an absurd proposition and anybody in the media who lets him get away with this should be ashamed.


Charlie Rangel is a candidate this year. So is Vito Lopez. Will Donovan refuse to say anything about them?


Since he already told the NY Post he would investigate Vito if elected Attorney General, it seems that Dodging Dan has violated the sacred code of conduct? I wonder what harsh punishment he faces.

