The Gateway (A Blogger of Legendary Prowess Edition)

From the archives of The Best of Gatemouth, an oldie about being betrayed by one you love.

This piece's anger is tempered by a bit of sentiment.

I will never again be so naive. Blowing the Chauffeur: The Mournful Sound You Hear Is Not Tekiyah Gedolah; It's Kaddish (Taps For Al



Maybe Golden missed the vote because he couldn't find it.

Hey Marty, maybe it's next to your > Archives > Brooklyn > Golden oddity: Marty rallies against tax, but didn't vote again



With all the complaints about the Brooklyn Democratic Party's Judicial Screening Panel, it should be noted that similar complaints come from the "reform" citadel of Manhattan; in fact, the particular complaint in this letter–that the members of the Manhattan Democrats' panel are kept secret–is not a problem shared by the Brooklyn panel.

Can anyone tell me one substantive way in which the Manhattan panel is superior to Brooklyn's? Voice of the People for October 07, 2010



Call me a contrarian, but I'm not exactly sure what the problems is here. If pols use campaign funds for their representation in criminal (or potential criminal) matters, we at least know where the money is coming from. If they set up a legal defense fund, then we never learn which lobbyist or interest group is giving them the money. Say what you want, this is a transparent transaction.

Further, campaign funds are supposed to be used to keep these guys in office. In most cases, the only thing that would remove an NYC State Legislator from his job for life would be a felony conviction; so, who can argue that the money is not being spent for its rightful purpose?

My one caveat is that the criminal charges (or potential criminal charges) upon which the campaign funds are expended be somehow related to the officer holder’s official duties. This is certainly true of Kruger, at least true in part of Espada, and arguably true of Smith. However, I'm not sure how a purported altercation with a photographer fits into Kevin Parker's official duties. Scandal-scorched state pols, including Pedro Espada, use campaign coffers as legal defense funds



This should really read "First Openly Autistic Presidential Appointee" Exclusive: First Autistic Presidential Appointee Speaks Out



In Britain, conservatives really are fiscally conservative; they cut defense as part of cutting deficits, and even RAISE TAXES. What Smaller Government Actually Looks Like – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan


Sane conservatives bemoan the prospect of victory:

David Frum: "What happens in January when the GOP majority arrives and the Bush tax cuts expire, the U.S. economy has deflationary shock, we don't have a program for pulling the economy out of inflation, and we don't have permission from party supporters or permission …from voters to compromise? You have people arriving in office with highly apocalyptic vision of a president but programs they don't know how to execute on their own. It's a formula for crisis." How conservative critics of conservatism are explaining the conservative comeback.
