The Gateway (And The Hits Just Keep on Comin’ Edition)

Read Caputo's Statement: lots of outrage, but no denial. More Paladino emails emerge – Maggie Haberman



Paladino math: loving one man equals killing six million Just to Be Clear: Paladino Compared Gay Marriage to Evil Nazi Horrors – J.J. Gould – Politics – The.



In some ways this is even better than the gay bar; after all, just saying no to vaginal intercourse prevents abortions (and bad encounters with Fred Dicker).Anti-abortion Paladino rents space to Planned Parenthood in Niagara Falls –



Saletan makes the controversial argument that Paladino's squeamishness about pride parades is not without some cogence, but that that only makes the case for same-sex marriage that much more compelling. Carl Paladino is right about gay pride parades, and wrong about gay marriage.



Please re-elect John Hall; we must prevent an Orleans revival! Siena College poll shows Hall and Hayworth in dead heat |

Even though she's not making $659,591, some would say she got out of Brooklyn while the getting was good. 32BJ SEIU Names Alison Hirsh Political Director


A hardline critic of radical Islam still manages enough outrage to rip Pam Geller a new one.Reuel Gerecht on Pamela Geller's Foul Anti-Muslim Ideology – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The.


I think this whole idea farfetched. I'm gonna have a conniption.The Gallivanting Spatula – by Jeffrey Goldberg and Alana Newhouse > Tablet Magazine – A New Read on.