Tonight’s Debate in the race for Governor

8:15 p.m

An hour into the debate, and the Cuomo folks have to be ecstatic! No one has laid a glove on Cuomo.

In fact it seems Cuomo’s lead nemesis, Carl Paladino has run the other way, not criticizing Cuomo at all.

Perhaps Paladino is trying to look gubernatorial by appearing substantive, but the problem with that is for the first 30 minutes Paladino looked, and came off as very nervous. He hasn’t said anything outrageous.

The Moderators are tackling a number of topics: The budget, taxes, MTA.

Cuomo has not lost his cool. He has come off the way he had too – as the one who will lead Albany out of chaos.

It was Paladino who took a hit from Libertarian Party Candidate Warren Redlich just a few minutes ago:

“Mr. Paladino’s behavior in the campaign is going to keep a lot of people home.”

Paladino didn’t respond, he just ignored the comment.

Paladino received mild applause from the audience on the topic of education when he charged we

“Focus more on the teacher’s union than on the child.”

Self-proclaimed “Manhattan Madam” Kristin Davis in making a comparison between her “business” and that of the MTA said: her business had “One set of books, and unlike the MTA, her escorts provided "on-time and reliable service."

Jimmy McMillian seems to be connecting with his “rent is too damn high,” message, but I’m still trying to figure out why he’s wearing a pair of black gloves.

Cuomo just borrowed a line from McMillian: “As Jimmy said, you lead.”


Cuomo just said yes I put people in jail, and yes it was hard. He touting his credentials as the man to turn around the state.


Barron: charged Cuomo only goes after some people. Quoting Barron: “ he is selectively going to go after those that are corrupt. “

15 minutes left and Paladino still hasn’t gone after Cuomo. Interesting.

7:45 pm.

45 minutes into the hour and a half debate, and Mr. Paladino has not gone after Mr. Cuomo.

Paladino looks like he has calmed down and is no longer nervous. Cuomo is completely under control and not losing his cool, but he is also not just turning the other cheek tonight.

The minor sparks have come instead from Cuomo and another candidate City Councilman Charles Barron. (not Paladino)

Barron: (referring to Cuomo) “He will be the King of Layoffs if you go with him!”

Cuomo’s response: Instead of ignoring it. “They go with you Charles, they’ll be no jobs.”

Jimmy McMillan is entertaining the crowd with his “Rent is two Damn High Party.

Barron has started focusing on the issue of race. “Racism is in the budget.”

Debate is theatre which means big advantage Cuomo.  All the other candidates do the talking.  He cruises to victory.

7: 25 PM

For the first 20 minutes, Paladino has looked nervous., and stumbled several times. This is his first debate after all. Clock is ticking Mr. Paladino, your debate opportunity is only about another hour.

Andrew Cuomo appears statesman, and very much in control. He looks Gubernatioral.

Among the other five candidates, so far, city Councilman Charles Barron has had some decent lines and connected with his middle class lines.  Hasn't really focused on race as he often does.

Best line so far.. Goes to self-proclaimed “Manhattan Madam” Kristin Davis.

"Businesses will leave this state faster than Paladino at a Gay Bar. Ouch Carl."

Cuomo is on cruise control, and rightfully so.

Don’t expect Cuomo to lose his cool under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
