The Gateway (Most Pathetic. Website. Ever. Edition)

Sad Commentary:

Room 8 “Hot Topics” 10/26/10 7AM:

Only one good reason, and one good way, to vote for Cuomo by Dan Margolis — NY State Communist Party

Gubernatorial Debate #2…Haven't You Heard? by Vincent Nunes

'The Man' Doesn't Want You To Know That Theres Another Debate On Monday The 25th of Oct. by FreedomParty

Taxes: Data From The Census of Governments by Larry Littlefield

The WFP is on the wrong side of history. They should be supporting the FP! by FreedomParty



Yes, NPR acted hastily and stupidly, but they are still a very useful institution, and worthy of a little taxpayer support (and a little is all that they get) Why NPR Matters (Long) – James Fallows – National – The Atlantic



But that doesn't mean that Williams isn't a hypocrite Juan Williams: Busted – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



Like a stopped clock which is right twice a day, Andrea Peyser here is like an Alzheimer's patient displaying rare flashes of semi-lucidity; she even displays nuance ("As you might expect, a push is on by pundits on the left and right to dump Williams into the list of those who've fallen under the bus of political orthodoxy. It doesn't work."), usually a capital crime in her world. Juan Williams a victim of NPR's intolerance –



Second right wing knucklehead (and contender for stupidest article of all time not written by Andrea Peyser) says something sensible in the same 24 hour period. Of course, he does it in the process of reminding everyone of how smart he is, despite the overwhelming evidence that he's not Ben Stein: Good Old Tail-Gunner Joe Miller



Michael Steele challenges Democrats to "put up or shut up" about charges that secret outside money sources are benefiting the GOP.

What chutzpah!

The whole point is that the GOP won't tell us where their money is coming from.

All the Republicans have to do to quash these allegations is to DISCLOSE.

It is the GOP which is obligated to "put up or shut up" here.

(And Steele would have more of my respect if he instead called the Dems on the implicit xenophobia of some of their line of attack).RNC head Michael Steele challenges Democrats on foreign-money accusations –



In an election which makes one consider shooting oneself, it's good to remember the bullet we dodged.Why Is Harold Ford Always On Meet The Press? | The New Republic



Most pathetic. Field. Ever. Seven candidates vying for Queens council seat –