The Gateway (Paint It Black Edition)

The fact that the unions don't seem to like Black may actually be a point in her favor, but I defy you to find another one. No patience for Cathie Black: Bloomberg's choice to lead the schools should have been up to speed



Fidler: "Who is going to explain to her what goes on in a public school room between 9-3…She didn't go herself. She didn't send her kids. Her only experience is with charter schools and that is minimal. The arrogance of the appointment is unbelievable…I served on the board of a Catholic high school for two years. T…hat doesn't qualify me to be the Pope."

No, I don't write his material, but sometimes I am tempted to steal it. Council Members To Introduce Resolution To Deny Cathie Black Waiver | The New York Observer



Dog licks man story: Markowitz sells out to Bloomberg again. And Now For Something Completely Different: A Letter In Support Of Cathie Black (Updated)



Well, at least we won't need to worry she'll be overly worried about politics. Cathie Black Knows About Schools: She Votes In Them (Sometimes)



The best reason to be angry at Charlie Rangel: he bears the responsibility for us losing him as an effective leader. Charlie Rangel Found Guilty on 11 Counts of Ethics Violations



Since the end of October, the Palestinian Government (not Hamas in Gaze, but the "enlightened" liberal one on the West Bank), has held a young man in detention for suspicion of writing sarcastic blogposts about Islam.

In Israel, someone who treated Judaism in this manner would be given his own TV show. Palestinian Blogger Angers West Bank Muslims – ournal

