The Gateway (Gatemouth Keeps on Blacklisting Edition)

Cathie Black, fiscally responsible? You must be snorting Coca Cola. Cathie Black, as executive pay czar at Coca-Cola, approved hefty perks, compensation for execs



Eric Adams wants to be on the panel evaluating Black's waiver. I think he's just gunning to be invited to the after-party at Bloomie's apartment (which is even posher than that of Carl Andrews). I hear the shrimp are the size of a baby's fist. Legislator Says Panel Member Should Be Removed



The secret of Bloomberg's success is the same as Arnold Rothstein's– he only participates when he's fixed the results in advance. Education Panelist Did Not Disclose Possible Conflicts



The Mayor's shills have watching Charlie Rangel and taking notes. Cathie Black's worst sin is being chosen by high-handed Mayor Bloomberg



Powell opposes expelling Rangel; is anyone really surprised? The last thing Powell wants is a special lection where the party establishment chooses the Democratic nominee Adam Powell Says Rangel Should be Censured, But Stay | The New York Observer



The Buffalo News thinks it is a moral imperative to have Charlie Rangel’s successor chosen by the party bosses instead of the voters. Rangel the remorseless – Buffalo News editorials – The Buffalo News



The Times is under the delusion it is doing the Schneid a favor. Rooting Out Corruption in Albany



I have mixed feelings about Soros, but Beck's vile distortion of his efforts to bring to an end the Soviet Empire are the height of moral reprehensibility Glenn Beck’s George Soros shows : The New Yorker



Bibi might stand up to Obama, but he folds like a deck chair before the awesome power of Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. When politics of Israel, Cuba collide – Ben Smith



None dare call it treason, part 497.The START Treaty, Loose Nukes And Homeland Security Mania | The New Republic