The Gateway (Giving Thanks That the Weekend is Over and I Can Stop Driving to Jersey Edition)

Seven year old Dybbuk to his Aunt: You should find someone; it can be a man or you can be gay, but you should find someone. Either way, you can still have children.

As John Sebastian said: And then I know that all I've learned, my kid assumes.



I guess it depends upon your definition of what genocide it; but, in reality, it's like the difference between adultery and fornication–they feel pretty much the same while you're doing them Did Stalin Commit Genocide? – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



Despicable things are surely done in the name or religion, and some (but not all) of those things logically follow from embrace of the doctrines therein. But embrace of things other than G-d will serve evil just as well, as the victim of Stalin, Mao & Pol Pot would be glad to point out, if they could.

Seems to me that blaming those things on the embrace of religion, the distortion of religion or the failure to embrace religion are all just delusional ways to keep ourselves from grappling with the more frightening possibilities

I'd also be remiss in failing to note Hitch's questionable standing to raise this argument, given that he had enthusiastically joined Blair in helping to facilitate Dubya's messianic utopian jihad in Iraq, which was based on little more than a belief in the existence of something which could not be proven to exist. Blair, Hitchens debate religion


In Texas, where there is only a shadow of a semblance of a Democratic Party, the fight for power runs the spectrum between business oriented establishment Republicans and Judaists for Jesus.

I'm not sure Jesus would have picked a side, but one can't help thinking he probably would have seen the "Moderates only in this context" as the lesser evil. ThinkProgress » Tea Party, Republican Activists Circulate Anti-Semitic E-Mails Against Pres



How can you support aid to Israel when you oppose foreign aid? New U.S. Politics Brings Mixed Message for Israel



Human Rights Watch founder Leon Botstein eviscerates the organization he founded. Human Rights Watch founder says perception of Israel distorted



Rebuilding after a terrorist attack in a hostile part of the world, Jews encounter a religious institution bent on stopping them: Chabad. Nariman House in Mumbai Is Center of Court Dispute



The Mayor was a no-show at Ridgewood-Bushswick this year; any thoughts as to why? Thanksgiving | The Empire


