The Gateway (Hanuka Grab Bag Edition) [REVISED: New Insults Added]

My Film debut. Most of my stuff ended up on the cutting room floor, but the director assures me I'm included in the bonus material on the DVD. BUY THIS MOVIE! Excuse Me, Mr. Speaker



The return of George Costanza. Why counting votes isn’t as easy as 1, 2, 3 | The Empire

(And it’s not just a matter of physical resemblance; as the dissembling illustrated in the link shows quite clearly.

Once, while on the payroll of Senate Minority Leader Marty Connor, Richman shirk a day's work to serve as doorman at a VIP Party at the Democratic State Convention and, forgetting who paid his salary, told Connor he was not on the guest list and blocked him from entering.

Richman returned to his place of work to find he had none; his personal possessions were packed into a box outside his office door. Not missing a beat, he moved the box back into his lair and, in true Costanza fashion, pretended he was still employed for the next two weeks.

This is a man born to work at the Board of Elections while pretending to be a marine biologist.)  

  Can anyone explain to me why we need to save OTB?

I understand saving the jobs (although far more useful people are set to be laid off), but can we at least re-assign these folks to same place where they might do something useful? New York City OTB rescue bill may have the votes to pass, Senate Dems say



Uninformed Comment of the Day:

"…we've already set a precedent with the Monserrate expulsion that if you commit a criminal assault, even a misdemeanor, you have forfeited the seat by your own conduct."

Actually, Parker was not convicted of Assault; he was acquitted of the assualt counts. the albany project:: Senator Kevin Parker Found Guilty of Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief



Sampson created his own problem here. Last year, before the expulsion vote, he proposed a compromise to let Monserrate keep his seat, pending his appeal.

By advocating that expulsion hinge solely on the matter of whether Monserrate misdemeanor conviction was sustained, Sampson elevated the importance of the conviction itself, even though the Monserrate Report made clear the conviction was not the reason they were recommending expulsion.

As such, Sampson advocated making conviction for a misdemeanor the dispositive question. Even more absurdly, Parker voted for the Sampson Compromise. I happen to believe the Senate should have expelled Parker a long time ago, on the basis of his official misconduct, and that this conviction does not add anything to the case for expulsion (nor would a total acquittal have subtracted from it). But I can’t help thinking that Sampson’s prior position (and Parker’s) has boxed him into a corner. Sampson: ‘No Comparison’ Between Parker And Monserrate



Brooklyn's most overrated elected official (as to the competition, Hikind is only overrated as a political power, and no one overrates Kevin Parker) Eric Adams Convenes Conference Call to Explain Aqueduct Report–UPDATE | The New York Observer



Jeff Klein joins Carl Kruger as another Jew who loves his Jesus,Sen. Jeff Klein: Vandals, Step Away From The Baby Jesus



No Gerson, you only get the to be “The Amigos” when your votes determine who controls. Will Six Latinos Be Amigos or a Minority Pain for NY Senate Dems? – WNYC



Poor Leibell; even "The Great McGinty" got to be Governor for a Day. In 2011 Dead Political Year, Surprise Putnam Race To Replace Leibell Expected To Be Intense



This is an important story, but a more professional operation would have let the facts speak for themselves rather than degenerating into personal insults of the most childish level, because frankly, the facts do the job far more effectively than the insults.My pet council member



Sorry, I’m not yet convinced that “The Great Sell-Out” is the route to our salvation (although I might feel differently were I unemployed), but I could possibly swallow it if they add Zadroga, DADT, Dream Act and START. Obama's Deal: A Huge Win (Or Maybe A Major Defeat) | The New Republic



Liberals: the real deficit hawks Incentives and the Business Cycle | Mother Jones



Joe Lieberman, Liberal hero. The Washington Monthly



Texas Republicans have Yidiotic Yidiosyncracies. ThinkProgress » TX GOP Official Opposes Jewish House Speaker: Christians ‘Are The People Th



In the interest of fairness, this department recognizes its obligation to present contrary viewpoints. HELEN THOMAS SKEWERS ZIONISTS AGAIN | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD



An interesting anecdote concerning racial profiling Why Racial Profiling Doesn't Work – Jeffrey Goldberg – National – The Atlantic



A genuine Haredi hero Fighting for Amsalem | David Suissa | Jewish Journal


Don't get me wrong, I think the billboard preaching atheism is idiocy which totally misreads its audience by forfeiting the most appealing aspect of the product it's supposed to be selling. The best thing about atheists is that they don't preach! The best thing about them is that they leave us TF alone! Their billboard is just stoopid!

That being said, this screed by Bill Donohue, accusing atheists of hatemongering for arguing for their beliefs, manages to do the seemingly impossible and make the billboard look smart by comparison. > Archives > Brooklyn Heights Courier > News > Billboard is classic hate-mongering
