The Gateway (No, “Ice Cream for Crow” is Not a Politician’s Dessert Edition)

Someone once said that Captain Beefheart was Howlin’ Wolf crossed with Ornette Coleman (which might not be that farfetched; Ornette once played in Pee Wee Crayton's Combo).

I’ll admit Beefheart's not for the squeamish, but neither is politics; so if you‘re a regular reader of this column, you can probably take it.

Aleh Ha-Sholem, Don Van Vliet. Captain Beefheart – I'm Gonna Boogiarize You Baby



Please sir, may I have more Beefhearts? Captain Beefheart – Ice Cream for Crow (HIgh Resolution)



Sully credits Obama for DADT repeal, and sez "I told ya so." Whining progressive should give this some consideration, but probably won’t. Obama's Long Game: 65 – 31 – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



Of the Republicans who voted yes on DADT repeal, only Burr is a real surprise. The New Englanders and Kirk have their moderate images to protect; Voinovich is leaving and John “What Happens in Vegas” Ensign has personal reasons for his belief that people should be subject to exposure of their private lives.

As to Murkowski, I think we have Sarah Palin to thank for this middle finger Senator Lisa just gave to social conservatives. Senate Repeals Ban on Gays Serving Openly in Military



It sticks in my throat to say it, but Joe Lieberman truly kept this Sabbath Day a holy one. Joe Lieberman, Civil Rights Hero, Ctd – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



Speaking of rendering credit in unlikely places, G-d Bless Mitt Romney for helping to bring to this nation what he brought to Massachusetts–near universal health care. Let’s also be grateful for Mitt’s having the modesty to demur from basking in his achievement. The Triumph Of Romneycare – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



While we celebrate a soon to be rare (and, for a change, pretty close to unequivocal) legislative victory, let's remember that yesterday we also lost a big one.

As John Lennon once noted "The Dream (Act) is Over" GOD- john Lennon



Also on today’s hit parade: Henry Kissinger's new theme song. DOO WOP GOLD,"MAYBE" THE CHANTELS.



Dudley Gaffin is a good guy, and his intention to save St. Vincent’s while defusing the Park 51 controversy is an honorable one. And yes, the Village will not protest, and yes, a community center can go anywhere (though Lower Manhattan can surely use the facilities that come with it more than can the Village),


Center or not, there are thousands of five time a day praying Moslems who work in Lower Manhattan, where the existing Mosques are full to overflowing; and even if this if this idea floats, these NYers are still going to want another place of worship near their workplace; many of these folks have money, and ultimately they are going to build another Mosque in a location some are going to find to be too close to Ground Zero.

If you don't like that—tough luck; This is AMERICA, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT



It also might help for Dudley to actually contact the actual players involved, instead of just reporters from the NY Post:



This may be a first:

Opponents of an NYC Mosque have a complaint which might actually be legitimate.

Gatemouth calls upon the developers of this Mosque to call the critics' bluff. Tell them they can have 13 more spaces or 50, if they’ll just shut TF up.

Render unto the Muslims their Mosque and render unto the Critics the parking. Critics of controversial Sheepshead Bay mosque go to mat over parking regulations



It just amazes me that people who scream for transparency and call for hearings on everything, including things which are "as of right," can oppose letting communities have some input into where bike lanes are located.

As this article notes, even many supporters of the Prospect Park West lanes would like to see some adjustments. Even nicer would have been to have made the adjustments before the City spent the money.

Why are bike supporters so afraid of a little accountability and democracy? Mean Streets special: Marty sings his contempt for bike lanes at hearing



Cobble Hill is defined by its association as encompassing the 21 square blocks from the BQE to Court, and from Atlantic to Degraw. As such, only four of the nine locations in this Daily News article are in the neighborhood (two are in Carroll Gardens, one in Boerum Hill, and two in that undefined area east of Court between Warren and Degraw). Your Nabe: Historic and new Brooklyn meet in Cobble Hill

Memo to Celeste Katz. No one wants to click every headline to see some of the story. Ditch the new design.
