The Gateway (Home With the Flu Edition)

This list of the year’s worst anti-Semitic slurs is worth a read, but with items 9 & 10, we really get into the arguable realm.

9. Though Christina Patterson is a bit patronizing towards Hasidim I've heard Jews, many of them Orthodox, make almost everyone of these complaints.

Back when Domestic Partner was pregnant, she and her sister were standing on a train and could not get a seat. Several Hasidic men were absorbed in their religious reading, pretending not to notice.

DP's sister said, "so many reading Halachah "

And DP responded, "too bad they haven't gotten to the part about Mitzvot"

10. As to the entry about Social Newtworking sites, much posted on FB, twitter and elsewhere is repugnant. But a large part of appeal of those sites is that they are virtually unmonitored. And even if that isn't a selling point, such monitoring is virtually impossible. It would belike monitoring every one's private conversations. So the implicit call here for the companies to do something about it is just plain silly.

What is missing from this list is a little perspective. Glenn Beck, though no anti-Semite himself, deserves an honorable mention just for re-introducing the likes of garbage wrapped in skin like W. Cleon Skous and Elizabeth Dilling into the public conversation, and citing the wisdom of Mahatir Mohammad (himself #3) in his screed against George Soros.

And actually, they forgot the top anti-Semitic slur of the year:

"Maybe a humanitarian concern." Top Ten Antisemitic Slurs of 2010 « Heeb Magazine



It kills me to agree with NOW on something which at first appears to be about censorship, but their position on Hooters is subtle, nuanced and thoughtful. Everything Hooters is not (And Now usually isn‘t). Broadsheet: Save the children from Hooters?



Judis: stop whining about the Democrats (many of his fellow leftists are now calling him Judas). Obama And The 111th Congress: Not So Lame After All | The New Republic



I always love it when someone else says the same thing I did, but one point in this Gail Collins column still stuck in my throat:

"If he’d taken the high road, Congress would be in a holiday war…The people who worked at ground zero would still be uncertain about their future, and our gay and lesbian soldiers would still be living in fear."

Gail, if the gay or lesbian soldier is in Iraq or Afghanistan, they are still living in fear. Lame Ducks Triumphant



You always get the best value at a going out of business sale. After "Shellacking," Obama, Democrats Come Back Strong in Lame Duck – Political Hotsheet – CBS News



Let's be shrewd about this.

How bout using the idea that this is inherently a matter of state law as the moral high ground and go for the elimination of DOMA, and then give full faith and credit to any legally recognized state marriage or civil union and thereby extend spousal benefits in that manner. Obama Open to Marriage Talks | News



The other shoe is in the process of dropping. How Republican Governors Are Balancing State Budgets At The Expense Of Everyone But The Rich. | The



Haley Barbour's problems, to the extent they are not of his own making (a very small extent) do not come from liberal, but conservatives. Not only those with a conscience like this writer, but all those scheming on behalf of other candidates. If Barbour runs, liberals will never get the opportunity to get their licks in. Pajamas Media » Barbour Swims Upstream Towards a Bridge Too Far



Goldberg asks Netanyahu: "What is the plan?"

As Former Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai once said, "Look me in the eye, Bibi" Israel's Self-Delegitimization Movement – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



Early Christmas gift: Jimmy Mac is now a Republican. Now I've Heard It All… From Jimmy McMillan



Jimmy continues to earn me a national reputation.



This is City Hall News' second hit piece in as many days, and it's a about a staffer.

A staffer?

Someone really does not like Paul Rivera.

Folks, if you have a complaint, place it properly. Fish rot from the head.

Senators, if you don't like John Sampson, dump him. Don't blame the help.

In passing, despite the article's assertion to the contrary, I think Rivera actually is a law school graduate.

More importantly, the article's own quotes undermines its portrayal of Rivera as a prevaricator, when he is actually quite blunt:

"[Chief of Staff is] a loaded title…it would imply that there’s a structure in place with someone at the top of it….A chief of staff manages a team and runs an operation…I definitely did not do that.”

How could anyone who's watched the State Senate Dems in action this year, deny the truth of that statement? How Paul Rivera Delayed Legislation, Kept A Hand On The DSCC And Fumbled His Way To A Chief Of Staff


Speaking of Chiefs of Staff, Liz notes that "Insiders believe Larry Schwartz is likely to land a job with the Cuomo administration."

And why not? His efforts did so much to ensure Cuomo was unopposed for the Democratic nomination (even when he had an opponent).



Vito: Yes, I'm collecting the pension, but I won't be doing so for long.

Actually, kind of sad.

Two Caveats here:

The first is that Gersh Kunzman’s 's snappy assertion that his paper also wrote about Joan Millman and Rhoda Jacob’s pensions loses the nuance between a double dipper collecting a pension and a salary for the same job (Jacobs and Lopez) and a retired teacher already collecting her pension, and like thousands of teachers cops and firefighters, continuing to collecting after attaining another job (Millman). I know Gersh knows better, because the actual editorial he is referring to clearly and emphatically makes the distinction.

The second is Vito's snarky comment: "Why don’t they write about Lincoln Restler spending $85,000, carpetbagging out of Brooklyn Heights and moving into a district to run [for district leader]?"

Given the average non-Hasidic resident of that district has probably lived there six months (maybe a bit more if they're an undocumented alien), this would be silly enough, but it is even more so given that Vito's candidate (like Lincoln, a nice young man) was carpetbagging out of Concord Village and moved into the district to run for leader himself. Not to mention the Councilman he installed in the same district, who also moved in to run.

We will skip the part about those carpetbagging out of Ridgewood. Vito speaks — sort of!



Is anyone surprised that Brian Wilson prefers McCartney to Lennon? RollingStone – The Playlist Special Artists



