The Gateway (Transition Edition)

We always knew there was never really a Democratic Majority in the NYS Senate, just four (or more) factions in uneasy alliance. Dean Skelos' Minority always controlled more votes in the Senate than anyone else.

But though the incoming Senate Democrats have as many seats as Skelos did, there will not be a Senate "Minority" in the sense that Skelos led one. Without a pot of gold to be obtained at the end of the rainbow, there will not even be an uneasy alliance. Klein Gives Up No. 2 post




Tom Hagen told Frankie Five Angels that if he'd just quietly go into the bathtub and slit his wrists, his people would be left alone; but Michael Corleone did not keep his promise.

Can’t say I blame Cuomo for the firings, but one would think intra-party courtesy would have mandated a bit of warning. Since they surely knew they were doing this, and chose not to, I have to assume they were purposely sending a message:

“This is the way we operate. When the bell tolls for thee, you won’t even hear us coming” Paterson Employees Fired With One Day’s Notice Just Before New Year’s



So Gore Vidal's Burr drove Bachmann into the arms of the GOP?

I have to say that I loved Vidal's entire series of American Historic novels, except the final volume, "Golden Age", a sick fantasy that is almost "The Plot Against America" from the view of Lindberghian/Buchananistic isolationists (the low point is FDR and the British engineering the murder of the Credential Chair at the 1940 GOP convention so that Willkie can be nominated, this ensuring that and there would be no anti-war candidate in the general election)

Certainly, one of the most despicable books ever written, and one which could easily drive one to oppose anything Vidal embraced, which in that case would be Midwestern right wing Republican xenophobes.

How Bachmann Became a Republican