Death of Civility-OK; Death of Decency-Not So Much; Death of a Friend-Sucks (The Gateway)

New Republic gets it dead on. Incivility is allowable (sometimes maybe even merited); indecency is impermissible (but not outlawable). Henceforth this department will endeavor to always remember this important distinction.

After The Arizona Shooting: Incivility, Yes. Indecency, No. | The New Republic


Sarah Palin compares calls to tamp down the rhetoric with false accusations that Jews used the blood of Christian children to make matzoh.

Which begs four questions, but one will suffice.

Why is this woman different from all other dangerous demagogues? Sarah Palin charges critics with 'blood libel' – Jennifer Epstein



Don’t like the blood libel metaphor?

How about a little rape then?

Rush should just lie back and enjoy it. Limbaugh Compares Conservatives Criticized Over Violent Rhetoric To Rape Victims | Media Matters for



Limbaugh takes his stubby little finger and points it at the Sheriff. Rush Limbaugh blames Sheriff Clarence Dupnik for Tucson shootings (Audio) – National Political Buzz.



Boston Herald feels it’s better to have a stranger shoot your child than to trust liberals with our freedoms.

If I were half as sick as Editorial Page Editor Jeff Jacoby, I would hope they get their wish.

But can we at least call protective services? Paper: The 'real victim' isn't Giffords – Ben Smith



I have enough of a problem with flag burning and the Communist Manifesto being described by the Tea Party as examples of liberalism when the two Presidents who saved Capitalism in the last hundred years were Franklin Roosevelt and Barack Obama, but I have to admit the Tea Party has chosen exactly the right words for themselves; raising money off Gifford is "despicable and shameless." Weigel : Tea Party Express Calls Jared Lee Loughner Liberal, Fundraises Off of Media 'Slander'



GATE (11/24/09–answering conservative attacks on liberals over Fort Hood): "the liberal (as opposed to leftist) debate is between those who see this guy as a psychopath, and those who see him as a Jihadist. I am in the middle, and think that the categories are not mutually exclusive and that he is probably both"

Query for Today: Why cannot the Tucson Tornado also be both an act of mental illness and of politics? Does one really preclude the other?



Mixed Bag from Kinsley;

Best Quote (on media "balance"): “So Democrats have noted that Republicans have advocated armed sedition while Republicans have noted that Democrats sometimes attempt to portray themselves as victims in order to stifle debate. Neither side has a monopoly on virtue. Balance!”

Worst: "Republicans are right that you can’t run a democracy with people biting their tongue for fear of offending someone else. Perhaps harder to accept is the fact that you can’t run a democracy with everyone censoring themselves for fear of flipping some switch in the brain of a nutcase."

Why the worst? Because Kinsley does not believe it himself; here he is explaining how politicians bite their tongues all the time, as a defining part and parcel of their trade:

"A gaffe…is when a politician tells the truth. Not necessarily the objective truth, but the truth about what he or she really thinks. The serious presidential candidate must hoard his or her opinions, if indeed he or she has any. Each one must be shaped with care, the rough edges must be polished away, before it is produced."

This is the way democracy is run, and Kinsley knows it. Democracy responds to the demands of the public. There is nothing wrong with the public demanding decent behavior. If we really want it, we will get it. Opinion: The false rush to cry 'balance' – Michael Kinsley



Item #2: Exactly why despicable conservative have been so much more despicable than despicable liberals (a group you might have noticed have never been among my favorites).

Items 1 & 3 ain't bad either. Interesting Times: Arguing Tucson



Sullivan, hardly a Democratic partisan, explains what makes the rhetoric of the right so scary. The Rhetoric Of The Right – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



Sane conservative shows liberals some rachmonis. No Easy Answer



Republicans who complain about liberals trying to impose new norms of political speech should take note of their own efforts. In this tidbit, Tim Pawlenty's masculinity is questioned because he would refrain from the use of violent imagery.

Not that I'm a fan, but to me, this demonstrates manhood apawlenty. Instapundit » Blog Archive » TIM PAWLENTY DEMONSTRATES THAT HE’S NOT MAN ENOUGH TO BE PRESIDENT..



Another good one. Gabrielle Giffords And The Danger Of Violent Political Rhetoric | The New Republic



Clyburn gets it exactly wrong. The shooting is NOT cause for the country to rethink parameters on free speech, which is a legal concept. The shooting is only cause for the country to rethink parameters on socially acceptable speech, a concept not enforceable by law, but nonetheless in many ways far more effective.

Similarly talkin loud but sayin nuthin (at least nuthin worth hearin) is Republican Tim Scott, who said engaging in such a conversation is not appropriate now.

In the words of Rabbi Hillel, "If not now, when?" Clyburn: AZ shooting should redefine free speech parameters | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC -.



Kanjorski always was a jerk. Governor Scott should not be shot; he should be jailed. Dem who called for Fla. governor to be ‘shot’ now pleads for ‘civility’ | Raw Story



Arizonans legislators emulate Marxists by trying to heighten the contradictions. Arizona's response to the Gifford shooting: Only guns can stop gun violence.



Bring back Wyatt Earp. Opinion: Even Tombstone had gun laws – Katherine Benton-Cohen



Twelve hours after Gatey posted, the MSM discovers Gladys Noon Spellman. Could Gabrielle Giffords be forced to resign for health reasons?



Goldberg gets it exactly right: "Peace will not come without the birth of a Palestinian state on the West Bank which has its capital in East Jerusalem. I'm as sure of that as I am of anything in the Middle East. Of course, peace may not come even with the birth of this state — I'm no longer quite so sure in the possibility, or at least in the availability, of peace — but it will surely never happen without it" The Future of Jerusalem – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



Maybe the State Senate should put some Serbs in charge of Ethic Cleansing. Freudian Slip?



Could there be anything more preposterous than allowing teen to have intercourse legally, but not oral sex? If anything, this is exactly backwards; oral sex causes neither unwanted births nor abortions (and pauses a lower risk of most STDs, including AIDS).

How bout we start a "Suck, Don't Fuck" campaign. Might actually make being forced to watch ICarly a bit more interesting. Virginia Sodomy Law Challenged in Supreme Court



I've tears in my eyes while writing this and wish I could do the remarkable John Wade justice . Back when we worked together I got him a copy of Bill Cosby's “Fatherhood” as a present, because though I was his superior, he was sort of like father figure to us all. Maloney: Wade Statement