The Gateway (Sweet Home Alabama–Neil Young Was Right Edititon)

Just when you think the Mayor may have been chastened by his recent run of luck, he proves he didn't assimilate the lesson that the problem wasn't the accumulation of precipitation, but rather the uncleaned accumulations of arrogance and cluelessness. Mayor Bloomberg refuses to send Sanitation Department reps to outer borough snow meetings



City Hall News channels Gatemouth. After three months of hard knocks, Bloomberg plots his comeback



Imagine looking every which way traffic could legally confront you before crossing a street and actually being assured no one would be hitting you with their vehicle. A few more well publicized summonses and it could be a reality at last! Cyclists Fined $270 For Running Red Lights… In Central Park – Gothamist



State GOP proposes to make us California without the sunshine, but with the earthquakes. Senate GOP Pushes Spending Cap, Democrats Fume | Politics on the Hudson



Mike Long reveals he really favors facilitating more abortions. Too bad they can't be retroactive (oops–I so apologize for that lapse into incivility). Conservative Party Warns Against Changes To New York's "Morning-After Pill" Law



Brownstone Brooklyn tries to spur revival of the ERA; how appropriate since we were the ones who killed it the last time.

In 1975, Brownstone State Senator Carol Bellamy (together with LI's Karen Burstein) got the bright idea to amend the State Constitution to include a gender-based Equal Rights Amendment. The Federal Amendment was two states away from ratification, and the idea was to symbolically help push it over the top.

Instead, the New York Amendment, and one in New Jersey, failed at the ballot box. Federal Ratification stopped dead, and actually went into reverse. Guess the heartland reckoned that if cosmopolitan New Yorkers couldn't handle such new fangled notions, how were they going to do it down on the farm?

Hopefully, we will have a less negative impact this time. Slope goes back to the future for Equal Rights Amendment



At last, an open seat which presents an opportunity for a Democratic pick-up. Lieberman Will Not Run For Re-Election



At the last meeting of the Board of Directors of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, they decided Sarah was a liability who got to be got; after a contentious discussion it was decided to that the most effective means of accomplishing the hit was to let someone trustworthy give her just enough rope to do the job herself. Palin on Hannity: My Crosshairs Weren't Original [VIDEO] | The New York Observer



Goldberg seems more certain than I (at least until today–see below) that Beck as a Jew problems, though he pins in on aversion to modernity, which, as I’ve noted, quite often coincides with such issues. Last time I brought this up, I raised my eyebrows at Beck's mention of Ed Rendell. This time let me roll my eyes incredulously at his diss of Walter Lippmann.

Water Lippmann? Will Walter Winchell be next? Glenn Beck's Jewish Problem – Jeffrey Goldberg – National – The Atlantic



In this Glenn Beck M*A*S*H-up, he sings "Deicide is Painless." Glenn Beck Reminds Us That Jews Killed Jesus



Governor of Alabama renders Jews and other non-Christians second class citizens (if that).

Will any prominent Republican repudiate this?

I'll start worrying about Sharia law when someone here actually threatens to implement it. Right now, I'll worry about the New Testament.

Then again, it's only Alabama. Better I should worry when it starts happening in America.

In the words of Tom Lehrer, "we'll try to stay serene and calm when Alabama gets the bomb" AL Gov Bentley: Proselytizing from the Very Start of his Administration | NJDC Blog


