The Gateway (Emergency Surgery Edition)

In which it is proven that getting a get well from Gatey is a bit like going under the knife:

When Diane Savino said she was committed to getting rid of something useless and full of poison, we thought she meant John Sampson.

The problem is that, by allying with Dean Skelos, she and her friends decided that when they got rid of the old appendix, they needed to get a new one transplanted.

Seriously though, feel better Senator.

And, come back soon; The Democratic Party needs you. State Sen. Diane Savino has appendix removed, vows to quit smoking



“Citizen Chuck“

As Boss Jim Gettys said:

“Anybody else, I'd say what's gonna happen to you would be a lesson to you. Only you're gonna need more than one lesson. And you're gonna get more than one lesson.” At Founding Freedom Party Convention, Focus On Broad Platform, Future Of City Council Member Charles



Chait defends a budget he clearly hates. He makes sense too. Why Obama's Budget Is Okay | The New Republic



I've got the perfect compromise on the GOP proposal to defund PBS–let's just get rid of Elmo and Barney the Dinosaur.

Maybe they could bring back Roosevelt Franklin instead. Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS!



I swear this is the third time in five years I've read this headline. Local Politics Guru Azi Paybarah Returns to The Observer | The New York Observer


This article, which I posted the other day, has now been re-written to incorporate anecdotes and information (some already previewed here) I’ve learned since I first posted the piece. If I do say so myself, the changes add new depth to an already rich read. Picture The Godfather meets the Last Hurrah. Velella: Goodfella (revised more than once) | Room Eight