As befits a member of the clergy of an oft-ridiculed religious denomination, Huckabee continues his record of decency on the matter of Obama's religious beliefs. Sadly, this is such an anomaly in his party that it is news. Huckabee defends Obama on Wright – Ben Smith
Most Repubs (Huckabee an exception) are too cowardly to confront "Birthers;" Broun is too cowardly to confront "Deathers." BlogPost – Rep. Paul Broun is asked, 'Who is going to shoot Obama?'
Douchebag pretends to apologize, O'Donnell calls his bluff. Lawrence O'Donnell Rips Glenn Beck's Apology, Accuses Him Of 'Spewing Falsehoods' (VIDEO)
This Republican was a member of the Tea Dance Party.!5769037/the-craigslist-congressman-and-the-crossdressing-prostitute
Klein successfully distances himself from Alan Hevesi (item 4) Meet Albany's 'Brangelina'
Yetta nuther hypocrite. Yetta's Got A Gun: Kurland Explains Why She's Packing Heat | The New York Observer
Hitch explains why even the latest Jennifer Anniston flick deserves the screenplay award more than The King's Speech. Hitchens to The King's Speech screenwriter: You're a dupe for the royal family.