The Gateway (TRAVIS-ty Edition)

"You talkin to me" Department: Hack Commissioner (you decide if the pun was intended) David Yassky will introduce the 7:45 showing of “Taxi Driver.”

Actually, I think David is more like the Albert Brooks’ character than DeNiro’s.

I think a more appropriate De Niro vehicle for Yassky might be "Mad Dog and Glory.”(John Liu could play the Bill Murray role).

Will David Weprin be introducing "The King of Comedy" ? TAXI DRIVER at Film Forum in New York City


New Litter for Katz Department: People we've already forgotten about are still reproducing.

Is this timed to make us forget about the Hevesi sentencing? Former Councilwoman Names Her Son After a TV Show | The New York Observer  


Eric Adams goes on a “MISSION” to Africa. Query: Will we soon be seeing Zebras running at Aqueduct? Eric Adams misses Senate sessions for a mission to Africa



Today, the Times reports, without even knowing it, that at the times of his election to the State Senate, Carl Kruger actually lived with his “family” in Canarsie , which was in Howie Babbush‘s district and not the one he represented. Though my version is slightly different, I first noted this in 2007 (and got the “family” stuff first as well). PERFIDY (AKA “Kill Carl Vol. 2”) [Episode III of “The Joe Bruno Democrats”] | Room Eight



Hesh, the frequent Gatemouth source responsible for my post recent post on who controls the 55thh AD Democratic County Committee clarifies his point (and makes a few others):  

“Responses to Dugan Column:‏

1- It was [political consultant close to Vito], not Vito, who told me about Mealy controlling County Committee. But I agree that it [was members of the Law Committee involved in binding the petitions] who probably made sure it was done."

2 – I think Vito's power mainly comes from chairing Housing Committee. Of course, he wouldn't be in Assembly except for Ridgewood Bushwick. But being County Leader is a distant third.

3 – Paterson's comments were nonsensical. If anything it was the Republicans who faked challenges to Dem incumbents that Paterson fell for and wasted money on (Olga Mendez District?)

4- Sorry I don't have any Dugan stories”



The Room 8 cluster fuck of Chris Owens Continues:

I'm almost sorry I started it.



Colin discovers more mistakes in L Magazine's article that I missed. In my defense, I stopped reading after the first piece of idiocy. Sorry L Magazine




Azi just noted a story from "The Chief" in his latest aggregation, but could not link it.

Does anyone agree with me that this conveys a very telling revelation about the nature of the Civil Service system?



Please do not call Cuomo an educational reformer. Not every action which displeases the teacher's unions qualifies as "reform."

If you want to improve teaching, then call for teacher-pay based more upon performance and less upon seniority.

But that takes money.

You find local priorities distorted?

Then put strings on State education money. But don't starve the system for resources and pretend that you are making it better (although this is slightly less dishonest than Bloomberg’s proposal to cut school funding for public school, while increasing it for Charters).

Budget cuts may be fiscally necessary, but treat us like grown-ups instead of trying to sell us on the nonsensical idea that they will make things better New York governor hits school districts, defends education cut



Teachers laid off? Not a good thing, but the Senate’s “Independent” Democratic Conference have more important priorities! A Push For Historic Renovation Tax Credits Made | Albany Watch



Apologies to Charles Barron: The NYC Pol who gets the prize for most frequently complaining that you didn't call or email them, to get their dissembling on the record, will always be Diane Savino.


Some brilliant writing by Goldberg and Chait about whether the US should use force in Libya, but for some reason my computer keeps cutting off these pieces just before the "and therefore" paragraph.

EMERGENCY UPDATE: Oops, so busy writing, I didn't realize we'd already gone to war.

Never mind.


Dybbuk: I hope Pikachu is OK; do you think they will stop making Pokemon and sushi?



In which we learn Helen Thomas is not an anti-Semite because Jews aren't Semites.

Also that persecution of Jews stopped at the end of WWII, which will be news not only to those who survived the Kielce pogrom, but also to Domestic Partner, who got her refuge status in 1983.Jezebel: Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women. Without Airbrushing.



Purim; the one holiday where from Jews can drive; and the one holiday where they shouldn't



Green Party continues to proves its relevance by making the daunting odds even worse for the Democrat Green Party enters 26th District race | Democrat and Chronicle |



Defund NPR? Turnabout is fair and balanced play. ThinkProgress » During NPR Funding Debate, Rep. Jim McGovern Proposes No Federal Funding Sh



Back in 2003-4, a group of slimebags calling themselves the “Carroll Gardens Concerned Citizens” tried to prevent the opening of a domestic violence center, a facility whose location must be kept secret, by publicizing its address.

This infamita only stopped when I managed to confront District Attorney Joe Hynes in front of an audience and he publicly promised to take legal action.

So, imagine my shock when Hynes decided to honor Gail Singer, one of the leaders of that ancient insurgent repugnancy, and to put the cherry on top of the shit sundae, Hynes’ press release mentions Singer’s volunteer work in homeless shelters.

Is this award an example of amnesia or is a story of redemption?

Query: Is Singer now volunteering with the battered women?

That would be some human interest story! Brooklyn Eagle, Bay Ridge Eagle Brooklyn, NY :: daily paper in Brooklyn