The Gateway (Ghostwriting the Sampson Roast a Day at a Time Edition)

Worst of Both Worlds Department: Least surprising budget revelation: Given a choice between folding on funding cuts or LIFO, the Teacher's Union chose to save LIFO.

Forget Spitzer and Paterson: In Gov. Cuomo, New York has a 'steamroller' that works



Despite my repeated condemnation of those who’ve called for his resignation, Kruger has not sent me one of these letters.

Can anyone possibly think of any reason why Carl would not show me any gratitude whatsoever?

Query (perhaps not the best choice of words): In which house do you think the home phone rings? Carl Kruger Shares His Thanks — And Home Phone


Freshman Senate Democrats to do a Sampson roast.

Does Carlucci get to participate?

And will they be using my ”Fugue for Tinhorns“ parody?  Sampson Raises Money By Laughing at Sampson | The New York Observer



Jack Martins demonstrates exactly how the IDC allowed lying Republican dissemblers a semi-plausible cover story:

“I fully and unequivocally support redistricting reform and voted in favor of the most recent constitutional amendment that was passed by the Senate,”

Senator Martins was also shocked to learn there was gambling at Rick’s Café. Group plans protest at Martins’ office



Anyone want to lay down a bet with me on how the IDC votes on Dean Skelos’ latest round of proposed rule changes? Or would you rather I just spit cider into your ear? Capitol Confidential » Senate GOP has a new set of rules changes



Just to clarify, when I told people in reference to the census undercount, to stop whining, I was referring only to reapportionment, because those are the number which are going to be used, and there is no recourse.

However, I strongly support every effort to challenge those numbers for all purposes in which doing so would benefit the City and/or State. From my own limited observation, the numbers would seem to contain many assertions which I find highly incredible. The minimal gains in coastal Brownstone Brooklyn boggle the mind and eyes.



Oh, what a tangled web we weave…Bloomberg steals show as Spider-Man – KARIN TANABE | POLITICO CLICK



NYC's most famous cycling fanatic (I've seen him speeding past Carroll and Henry at 8AM on a Saturday) fears no man, but apparently fears one woman; her name is Iris For Schumer, a Bike Lane Too Close for Comment



Wanna bet someone gets fired? Trump fails to produce birth certificate – Ben Smith



Liberal Centrist Chait documents one of the prime reasons why so many voters hate liberals. The Existence Of Crime Is Not A Racist Myth | The New Republic



Brilliant article by Beinart explaining why it's OK to be selective about humanitarian interventions. I'd do money quotes, but it would mean reprinting the entire article verbatim.

YOU MUST READ THIS! Obama’s Libya Speech: Why Consistency in Foreign Policy is Overrated.



The secret of getting credit for stopping a massacre: let thousand die first. Malinowski: Why Isn’t Obama Getting Credit For Stopping An Atrocity? | The New Republic



Wish I had the video: "Drillin' (woo-ooo), killin' (woo-ooo)
Invadin' Chad, Khaddaffi has the look that's bad!" SNL Transcripts: 10/03/81: The Khaddaffi Look



A very compelling argument against Islamic fundamentalism Face Of The Day – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan



Once in a lifetime event: someone says something sensible in Commentary magazine Anti-Muslim Bigotry « Commentary Magazine



J Street critic Goldberg defends J Street. As another liberal Zionist critic of J Street, I hold my nose and agree.

J Street is right on the one big thing, and wrong in way too many on the other ones. Goldblog is a Pro-J Street Blog – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



Gatemouth in 2008, on an unnamed Rabbi named Rick Jacobs who will soon be famous: “The prior Rabbi had been a charismatic figure who evolved his own brand of ‘Hasidic Reform Judaism;’ services were about joy, exultation and achieving spiritual connection, and people achieved it.

In my religious life, I've never been able to make the leap of faith to a spiritual connection. I always considered the spiritual stuff something you used to entice the suckers to take their medicine. But, even though I identified more with the Misnagdim than the Hasids, I soon came to respect those who could make the leap of faith, and more importantly, I respected and became part of what they built: a caring community. People who say they believe in G-d, but not organized religion, have it exactly backwards. URJ Names Rick Jacobs To Take Helm of Movement –

So Nu? When are they having the event with Old Bloggers? Behind the Bylines: An Evening with NYC’s Top Young Political Reporters | Democratic Leadership for.
