Cuomo speaks out on the new budget.

NYC education folks may not like the budget, but you have to give Gov. Andrew Cuomo credit from a political point of view. 

In only a few months in office, at least on the budget front, he has whipped Albany lawmakers into line. 

Who would have ever believed he would deliver on his campaign promise of cutting the 10 billion dollar budget hole with no new taxes.  In a video message today, Cuomo calls the budget a "Transformational moment," the first step on road to economic recovery. In his words, "It wasn’t easy, but we overcame special interests and did the people’s business in Albany." 


You can see the short address at my website:

Maybe Albany is big enough afterall for Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.  However, clearly the days of the leg basically calling the shots on the budget are over. At least for year one of the Cuomo Administration.