The Gateway (Deficit of Accountability Edition)

I link here, a good example of false moral equivalency “they’re all the samewishy-washy No-Label-ism. Yes, in the past, both parties are equally guilty of playing cheap symbolic politics with the debt ceiling, but today, one party has raised the stakes, and is playing chicken with live ammunition Third Way – Publications – Publication Content



Is it any wonder our bond ratings are in trouble? Who can trust our Congress to act like grownups and do their duty.

It is one thing for some members of the opposition to take a cheap "no" vote, but in the past, the leadership of our Congressional majorities have always swallowed the sometimes distasteful duties of governing. This time, the GOP is engaged in a suicide bombing of our economy, yet None Dare Call It Treason.

What was once unthinkable is now Standard and Poor GOP behavior.

GOP escalates demands on debt limit – Print View



Politifact drinks the GOP Kool-Aid Knowledge Counts In fact, their cup runneth over:




Kristol, Wehner and Barnes lie and dissemble; in other news, my dog licks his balls. The Goodness Of Paul Ryan Is Self-Evident | The New Republic



Are opportunistic alliances a thing of the past? Anti-Immigrant Activists, Teachers' Unions, And Polarization | The New Republic



Opportunistic alliances are apparently not a thing of the past, and Moderately liberal Jewish Democratic Congresswomen can still be slime. The Schwartz Is Not With Us | The New Republic



As I’ve said before, the goal of “Right to Lifers” is to leave Roe an empty shell, encompassing little but the box it came in. It looks like they've pretty much succeeded. Roe v. Wade: Is it still the law of the land?



As Rev. Huck knows from other aspects of his life, there is nothing like the fervency of the convert. Huckabee slams Beck – Ben Smith



Maybe if we’d given this guy more koved, he'd be running for our nomination

Glad we didn’t. Trump Gave Money to Spitzer (And Other Observations) | The New York Observer



This may be the worst gross-out of all time. Quote For The Day IV



Gunning for a prime time speaking slot at the next Republican Convention, his anti-Hollywood stance should be especially popular. Charles Manson Breaks 20-Year Silence…to Speak Out About Global Warming! – Charles Manson – Fox Na



I guess Andrew Sullivan need not worry about being scraped anymore. HuffPost bans 'Trig Truthers' – Ben Smith



I guess they'll have to pass a law that no Hawaiian can be President. The LAW Behind Obama’s Birth Certificate



Can't understand why they're so smug about how much Obama lost Texas by, It's only a slightly better margin than the one McGovern beat Nixon by in Massachusetts. In Case Obama has Forgotten, He Lost Texas by 11.7 Points | The Weekly Standard



A good argument for making the Haj. Will her Muslim family honor-kill her for posing nude in Playboy? « Bare Naked Islam



Did Avigdor Lieberman become Palestinian? A West Bank anachronism | Ahmad Samih Khalidi | Comment is free | The Guardian



Philo-Semite Bouldin writes a wonderful history, with full context, of the forced post-war Jewish Exodus from the Arab Middle East. Now, if he could only get his friends on the left to read it. Daily Kos: The other Exodus – Jews in the Middle East



Working part time for minimum wages as a tutor while attending Rabbinical “College” and having 12 children. Marrying your first cousin for the third generation in a row without availing yourself of birth control, amniocentesis or abortion. Pimping yourself out with a $3,000 beaver hat without holding a real job. Having a “school system” which sends the message that secular classes are the moral equivalent of gym. Refusing to become literate in standard English.

Proof positive that Banfield was right about "The Culture of Poverty." Kiryas Joel, N.Y., Lands Distinction as Nation’s Poorest Place



Does anyone think Ruben would have been less affronted in a different week? State Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr. "Affronted" By Gov. Cuomo's NY Gay Marriage Legalization Push



Will the IDC be using my John Sampson song? Get Your Tickets! IDC, Skelos To Rebut At LCA



Hakeem proposes outlawing one of NYC's favorite parlor games: arguing over neighborhood boundaries.

As I’ve previously noted, Dennis Holt of the Brooklyn Eagle has pompously been insisting for year that there is already an official City Planning map with the force of law, despite the City Planning Commission’s insistence that it just ain’t true.

Says the Real Estate Board: "“Neighborhood boundaries are difficult to define and always changing. It is difficult to legislate the use of an official name when these neighborhood names are not legally defined.”

Hard to argue with that.Perhaps some public purpose would be served by defining official boundaries, though “Chinatown” will always be where the Chinese are, whether or not their migrations respect the lines. But once boundaries were set, anyone who just wanted to know where they were could just read a map, obviating the need for penalties. 'SoBro' and 'ProCro' NoJoke to Assemblyman  

"As Osman explains, it was the college-educated sons of Irish Park Slope and Italian Carroll Gardens who eschewed moving to the suburbs with their cohort in the early 1960s. Instead they organized local businesses, homeowners, and newcomers to renovate, beautify, and promote their neighborhoods. But it is exactly these elderly minorities and white ethnics who are replaced by each yuppie couple."

As I've noted before, those in CG who think Buddy Scotto represents the old school misunderstand that it was his young Turks who, in trying to save their neighborhood for folks like them, ended up paving the way for their displacement for folks like us, (the occasional stabbing to the contrary merely being the dying supernova of day mostly past). Tales From the Stoop