The Gateway (Mopping Up and Following Up Edition)

The Obama spending binge is sorta like his Kenyan birth certificate. The Mythical Obama Spending Binge | The New Republic



Gingrich supported Cap and Trade, and, as Bill Clinton once noted, Democrats have become the Eisenhower Republicans. The shocking truth about the birthplace of Obama’s policies – Ezra Klein – The Washington Post



Centrist-Zionist Goldberg gives a very sober assessment of the US-Israel relationship; my friends on the Zionist right should pull their heads out of their asses for 15 minutes and read it. Is Israel America's Ultimate Ally? – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



Gay male rejected for Episcopal priesthood" might be the ultimate man bites dog story, until you find out it was McGreevey. Perhaps he didn't understand that the required text was "King of Kings" and not “The Prince.Of course, a lot of the laity is dovish on Israel, and Jim was opposed to withdrawing from Golan. Jim McGreevey Bid to Become Priest Rejected



Speaking of McGreevey, as I noted in 2006, during his reign as Governor, a Jersey contractor was told that if the Governor was in on some sleazy deal, he would use the word “Machiavelli” in conversation. The Governor, one James McGreevey, was later caught on a wire asking the gentleman if it was true he was reading “The Prince”.

Shortly thereafter, rather than allowing the disgrace of accusations of corruption to overtake him, McGreevey instead made a proud declaration f his sexuality.

And for most of us, that courage is what we remember (or would have been, until the child support trial)

A vote may soon be coming on Marriage equality. It is time for Carl Kruger's "I am a Gay American" speech. Wanted: A few good senators: On gay marriage, N.Y. lawmakers can rise to history or cave to politics



The Voice moves way to the right. Village Voice taps Harry Siegel as metro columnist



The Post proves it has a reason to exist.

Still one must question their stats; has anyone else every been to a place where 76% of cyclists stopped at a red light? I don't believe it. Ride and wrong in bike lanes



The Post’s Andrea Peyser is a lot like a bagel in that at her center she is empty, but given she recommends that citadel of mediocrity, "Bagels on the Park," it is clear that the resemblance is merely a coincidence In the Gardens of good and evil



Unlike Andrea Peyser, Goldberg knows his bagels. Two Things I Forgot to Mention, About Bagels and the TSA – Jeffrey Goldberg – Personal – The Atlanti



Hertzberg acknowledges others whose work he used to write his latest column, but not Gatey.

I’m still waiting, Rick. Hendrik Hertzberg: Tomlinson, Trump, and Whitworth



It's just not Rick Hertzberg's week. One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other | The New Republic



A "Jig is Up Atlas" comparison:

The original quote (from a 2010 thread on Daily Politics about Lew Fidler’s and Jo Anne Simon’s motivations for endorsing Gillibrand, while Vito Lopez was still fliring with Harold Ford:

GATE: "Some of this is so preposterous, I feel compelled to comment.

1) It is quite clear that ideology motivates Jo Anne Simon's choice, rather than revenge or trying to please Schumer (who endorsed Steve Levin against her, and put a knife into her friend Marty Connor).Ford is just too damned conservative for her. If one wants to ascribe other motives to Simon, than doing what will go down best in her district, and female identity politics both probably both outrank revenge against vito and and trying to please Chuck.

2) Fidler did endorse Reyna, though Reyna never used it it (why would she?).

3) I have heard that it was Fidler's REFUSAL to support Reyna's opponent that inuriated Lopez. I also heard he was so angry he stopped speaking to Fidler.

4) This jibes somewhat with my own personal experience. Lopez was furious me with for not supporting Levin, even though I endorsed no one else. Even after I explained my very pesonal reasons to him, he persisted in berating me in public. I sort of envy Fidler, since it would have been far more pleasant if Lopez had only refused to speak with me.

5) I also understand that Vito was mad about Fidler supporting Mark Green (for the second time in a row) against his preferred candidate.

6) Given all the work Fidler's done over the years on behalf of Lopez's candidates, including Levin, the fury of Lopez's people, as demonstrated in this thread, and in the real world, seems disproportionate.

7) While I've nothing but respect for my friend Dominick Recchia, it does seem quite clear that Fidler was more likely than he to stand up to the Mayor and work for progressive priorities. Jes sayin'

How it appeared in "The Jig" (without any ellipses) on 4/25/2011:

GATE: "Ford is just too damned conservative. Fidler was more likely than he to stand up to the Mayor and work for progressive priorities."




In 2008, when Hiram Monserrate was arrested, it took Marty Golden THREE DAYS to introduce a resolution asking him not to file his oath of office.

48 DAYS AGO, Carl Kruger, who helped to elect Golden, was arrested.

Golden has yet to say a word.