The Gateway (Defending Someone Indefensible Edition)

As Jeff Weisenfeld has subjected NY to massive embarrassment, I'm not sure he deserves to be defended.

But the truth needs a defense.

Weisenfeld was not that far from the truth in describing Tony Kushner’s views on Israel, which, as a result of Weisenfeld’s repugnant and stupid actions, got a public defense those views did not deserve (no matter how deserving Kushner was of his award and his right to free speech).

Ironically, given Weisenfeld’s willingness to brand Palestinians as sub-human, it is Weisenfeld who has recently been the victim of an unfair slur.

It’s been implied that Weisenfeld’s a homophobe. Yet, that does not seem fair, given Jeff’s Bill of Particulars about the Arab world includes a complaint that Arabs are homophobes

Here, in part, is what the crazy bastard said:: “… State of Israel, which is our sole democratic ally in the area sits in the neighborhood which is almost universally dominated by administrations which are misogynist, anti-gay, anti-Christi…an and societies that are doing today to the Christians what they did to the 500,000 Jews who lived in the Arab world in 1948 at the time of the creation of the State of Israel, dispossessing them, murdering them, deporting them.”

While this does not close the case, it appears at first glance that Weisenfeld can paraphrase the rappers and say "No Homo-phobe" Assembly Higher Ed Chair Suggests Homophobia At Play In Kushner Flap



Two conclusions from this article by Upchuck Barron about Libya:

1) He refers to "so-called rebels" and has not one bad word to say about the status quo.

Conclusion: Upchuck supports Qadaffi.

2) As I’ve implied before, Upchuck HATES HATES HATES America. America's Oil War On Libya



Further burnishing his foreign policy credential, Upchuck Barron takes no position on whether Bin Laden is dead or alive, and condemns the loss of innocent life in Gaza, but can't bring himself to mention the loss of innocent life suffered by Israel Global Peace: Need For New U.S. Foreign Policy



Tonight, when Colin Campbell ran this item about District Leader Olanike Alabi, I immediately warned him that it smelled funny and likely came from Renee Collymore, the girlfriend of political psycho Geoffrey Davis, who herself ran against Alabi in her last election. Colin doubted me, but it appears that I was right. The Brooklyn Politics Blog



Next thing you know, Kucinich'll propose himself as a candidate against Michael Grimm Well, at least he's not from Manhattan (or Brooklyn) Dennis Kucinich might move left — to Washington – David Catanese



Nate Silver prints what every political pro on both sides already knows about NY-26.

Too bad nobody cares, because it's all about the spin. Which is why the truth almost doesn't matter. As in the case of Scott Brown, he who wins the spin game often remakes the truth. A Special Election May Be a Special Case


I always thought Dick Lugar's reputation was overrated; apparently he agrees, cause he's squandering what's left of it, with virtually no shot that he'll receive anything for his efforts. Dick Lugar Futilely Pleads For His Senate Seat | The New Republic



For a true visionary, Mitt Romney is so modest. He not only supported RomneyCare in one State; in 1994 he had the vision to call for it to be mandated nationwide. Weigel : Romney Backed Health Care Mandate in 1994

See also, Chait summing up the Romney position:

"In conclusion: If we lived in a country where every citizen was required by the national government to obtain health insurance, it would be tyranny. But if we lived in a country where every citizen was required by their state government to obtain health insurance, it would be ideal. Anybody think this is going to fly?"



Smokin’ hot thread: Rock accuses me of being racist and sexist, and I respond:You've convinced me that I must make it a cause to get you on the payroll of some elected official, because it would be a public service to make sure you could afford your meds.

While you're at the doctor's, you can get a new truss for those elephantine testes of yours, because you have a lot of balls saying the crap you do.”