The Gateway (Haj Job Edition)

"72 Virgins Do Islamabad." —Hustler says "I slamma Gooood!" Extensive Porn Stash Reportedly Found in Bin Laden Compound



Yglesias channels the late great Senator George Aiken of Vermont, and calls for us to declare victory and leave. The difference is that this time we actually won. It's Time to Leave Afghanistan


If I suggested "preventive war," would this make me a neo-con? (Or The Case for Electing Cheney's Daughter) Uganda: Death Penalty hidden in Anti-Homosexuality Bill, Vote Draws Close – Lez Get Real



I thought that Easter was over, but the McCain we had presumed was dead has risen. Press Pass – John McCain (R-AZ) gives impassioned speech against torture



Supposed intellectual George Will seems not to understand how the Civil Right Act and the Voting Rights Act changed everything about the once “Solid South;” or more likely, he's just being a disingenuous snot. George Will's Strangely Selective Pedantry | The New Republic



Republican "moderates" form firing squad in a circle. Huntsman backer attacks Daniels on abortion – Ben Smith



Danforth finally notices that the party (the one he knew) is over. ThinkProgress » Former Republican Sen. Warns GOP May ‘Have Gone So Far Overboard That We Ar



As I noted earlier this week, Tzeitung publisher Albert Friedman is a rare Hasidic liberal–now we learn that his publishing the picture was an expression of that liberalism, proving no good mitzvah goes unpunished (and Albert's done about 613) Female problem! Hillary erased from Yiddish paper — because she’s a girl!


This article gets almost everything right about Wiiesenfeld/Kushner, though I think it is too tolerant of the opposition to Rick Jacobs, which mostly came from outside his movement, and therefore from people with no standing to mount such an effort.

And though substantively right about Kushner, I would not have minded a bit more vitriol about some of his positions The Bright Red Line – The Bright Red Line



Someone wants to re-brand their neighborhood to improve the value of their equity; heaven forbid, put them in irons and throw away the key! Neighborhood integrity matters



This is the problem with lunatics; Perot notwithstanding. it is hard to build a national mandate based upon their success in drawing votes from Republicans when they are so intent upon imploding. Jack Davis Appears To Strike Republican Volunteer (VIDEO)



The Great Right Hope. Jimmy McMillan, Tea Party Spokesman (!?)



Archbishop Dolan proves he's never read Orwell. In 1984, the "social engineers" were those intent upon enforcing their Puritanism upon others. Archbishop Timothy Dolan Says Legalizing Gay Marriage Could Make "1984" Non-Fiction



"Don't push me 'cuz I'm close to the edge
I'm trying not to lose my head
Uh huh ha ha ha
It's like a jungle sometimes
It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under
." The Common Hysteria And What It Means | The New Republic



"American Idol?" What's that?