Guys like Donald Trump are the kind of people who made 1789 a great year for regular folks like me. Here is a guy born with a gold spoon stuck in his mouth and with a silver spoon protruding from his ass. And yet, he swears he is “all that and a bag of chips”; but he is not. He was born on second base and swears “he hit a double”.

He hates Barack Obama with a passion, mainly because “The Donald” has always coveted the US presidency: and it galled him to see this mulatto win this the most elusive of prizes.  Look; this wasn’t just about winning the fondness of some bimbo named Lolita; it was the US presidency for Christ’s sake!

So what does Trump do? He starts disrespecting the presidency from the day Barack Obama swore in. For the past few years now, the failure that is Donald Trump has made himself into a buffoon. I say failure because he isn’t “self-made” as say Oprah Winfrey or Bill Gates: but he boasts and swears he is. This guy who has gotten everywhere because of his daddy’s money is as boastful as they come, but when you examine what he says, you realize that he is talking loud but saying nothing.

First off, he blames Obama for what he perceives as the lack of respect in the international arena for the USA.  Then he blames Obama for being the architect of a flawed foreign policy, a flawed energy policy, for failing to control oil and gas prices, and for allowing Chinese businessmen to “get away with murder”  in international business-dealings. Then he challenges Obama’s birth certificate; next his college transcripts; and then the fact that almost no one can remember Barack as a baby (Trump says), or as a youngster, or in high school, or junior-college, or in a little-known ivy-league university named Harvard (all lies by the way).  The (Mc) Donald blames Barack Obama for every conceivable ill facing the nation.

For one minute, Ronald McDonald Trump supports health-care reform, and the next minute he is against “Obamacare”. One minute, he is for repealing the Bush tax-cuts on wealthy individuals, next minute he is for maintaining it. One minute he is for one thing, next minute he is for the exact opposite. What a joker! What a player-hating joker!

The few times he is actually challenged by interviewers, Donald Trump then proceeds to demonstrate why his mouth needs flushing: he talks too much shit. Trump elaborates that America’s standing in the world has fallen. Asked to explain how and what he means by that and he swiftly changes the subject.  Asked for a timeline as to when this fall from grace took place, and he again ducks the question like the Disneyland-character (Donald Duck) he is. When pressed for an example of the Chinese being manipulative and dishonest as he claims, he cites their usage of an under-age athlete at the last Olympic Games. WTF!

After a while you start wondering to yourself, whether or not this guy is serious about running for the US presidency; and then it hits you: he is not.  He isn’t running because he knows he cannot win the republican nomination. Trump’s only long-long-long-long shot chance of becoming president will be on some third-party line. He is playing for more exposure and also probably to increase viewership for his television show (“The Apprentice”). 

He loves to talk about how he once leased land to Libya’s Khadafy, only to pocket the Colonel’s money, while refusing him access to the land. And he says this with a straight face as if he were teaching an ethics class. Then he promised as president to go into various countries and just “bogard” their oil assets: as simple as that. The only sense he has made came from his statement that some countries in which we station troops, should share the costs of such (and other) military exercises. Beyond that, Trump made little or no sense in any of the interviews I saw with him as the interviewee.

He refused to discuss real issues. He gave no indication as to his public policy leanings. He gave no insight into his political philosophy- beyond mouthing some vague generalities about freedom and individual rights. He offered no prescriptions for complex international issues or initiatives; likewise for troublesome domestic issues. He just attacked Barack Obama with a passion usually stored by those sympathetic to the failed confederate cause. 

Look; no pro-choice republican is going to win that nomination during this era of the tea-baggers and tea-partiers.  Plus; do you really think DT wants to open up his business dealings to real scrutiny?  So when I started telling folks that Donald Trumpet was only running his mouth and blowing his own horn; they thought I was bullshitting. I wasn’t.

Today the internet is saying that Donald Trump is officially out of the Republican nominating process. Shoot! He was never in it.

Stay tuned-in folks.