The Gateway (Maybe We Should Call Him “Hack–Keem” Edition)

Though Hakeem Jeffries's rampant ambitions have sometimes caused him to be crass (his debut’s appalling insinuations about Roger Green’s religion) or silly (his proposal to ban renaming your neighborhood), one has to acknowledge that this would be Ed Towns' first challenge since the early 90s which could actually result in a better member of Congress .

But even more interesting is the matter of who would be where?

The appearance at Jeffries' fundraiser of one-time Towns allies Rabbis Niederman and Goldberger is a clear and unmistakable signal that Vito Lopez has ET in his sights.

Query: Where do liberals/reformers/leftists who refused to back Towns against a bigot (Barron) and a lunatic (Powell) go in such a race? Hakeem’s dream — Ed Towns’s seat in Congress



Despite being justifiably branded as a far right wing lunatic for calling LGTB persons "anthropological misfits," as well as for his association with a fatwa calling for Yitzhak Rabin’s death, Gershon Tannenbaum is often a reliable barometer of the gossip among Ultra-Orthodox insiders.

So Tannenbaum's knowing embrace of political hustler Fred “Freddy Kruger” Kreizman (previously best known for making sure that arrested Rabbis got special treatment) and his prospective State senate race is a signal that Dean Skelos' 18 million dollar bribe to Rabbinical "Colleges" has worked its magic, even though likely Democrat Lew Fidler's has an impressive history of delivering large in bringing funding to legit Jewish social service agencies.

Another example of Hakoras Ha-Tov being abandoned in favor of “But, What have You Done for Me, Lately.” My Machberes,Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum



I got a better idea; instead of fantasizing about sex with Ruby D (talk about a nightmarish prospect), why not call for an erotic boycott of the three closet cases who voted against same sex marriage the last time. Ruben Diaz Loves Everyone, Even Those Who Want to Fuck Him | PolitickerNY



Bet Shelly is rooting for Mark Schroeder to get the job. Hochul's election opens up clerk’s post

One cartoon is worth a thousand blog posts. The Destination | Greenberg's View | Jewish Journal



But, you’ll get the thousand blog posts anyway; here‘s another:

Goldberg (harkening Ben-Gurion): “The official position of this blog …is that the settlements should be fought as if there was no such thing as anti-Zionism, and anti-Zionism should be fought as if there were no such thing as the settlements.” The Greatest Achievement of the Settlers – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



Saletan takes a very interesting angle, militantly for Israeli security, but eschewing other claims as excess baggage. Netanyahu vs. Obama: Support Israel's security needs, not its moral claims to West Bank land.



This one is going to make Chuck Barron's head explode; he won't know whether to celebrate an Israeli company being boycotted, or to protest another sanction against Iran. U.S. Announces Sanctions Against Israeli Company



Are we really having this debate? I love Paul, but surely even Simon surely admits that Dylan is greater (though Domestic Partner will passionately argue that Leonard Cohen beats them both). Music: Paul Simon vs. Bob Dylan, Who’s Greater? –



The revolution will be televised, but you probably won't realize it occurred until much later.

RIP Gil Scott-Heron; a pretty damned important performer (could he be the father of rap? Maybe, if we don't count "Subterranean Homesick Blues" or "The Signifying Monkey"), but not as acute as a political scientist as his fans might like to believe.

And the stuff about "hairy-armed women's liberationists" isn't merely anachronistic; it was offensive back in 1969 too (And we won't even mention "The Subject Was Faggots").Gil Scott-Heron – The Revolution Will Not Be Televised



Wow; I would have assumed it was conservatives who preferred crunchy tacos. Hunch Blog | Blog Archive | You Vote What You Eat: How Liberals and Conservatives Eat Different
