Andrea Peyser – Tough On Male Politicians, Except For One


A warning to any and all New York politicians considering an extramarital dalliance, virtual or otherwise. When you eventually hold your de rigueur regret session at a packed Manhattan news conference, Andrea Peyser will be there in the footlights, ensuring that your fall from grace is as graceless as humanly possible.




It was no accident that Peyser stood front and center at the Weiner news conference or that she became its virtual co-star. When it comes to humiliating humiliated powerful men and the women who stand by them, Peyser is unparalleled.


"I'm a born-and-bred New Yorker, and I have to admire taking something on directly — that's how I am," says Andrea Peyser, a New York Post columnist who has come to Giuliani's defense. "He's like, `OK, my marriage is over. This is my girlfriend. Deal with it.' I admire that sort of openness. Donna plays it a different way — she's more passive-aggressive."