The Gateway (Unhappy Hotdog Edition)

Some men like hiking the Appalachian Trail, while others prefer riding the Information Superhighway



Domestic Partner: Just what you would expect from Weiner; it looks taller than it really is because it's pathetically skinny–unlike his chest, all of the strenuous exercise he gave it did not make it buff; and speaking of his chest, it is not the only thing he waxes. Wonder if Nydia recommended he go to Tres Belle. Anthony Weiner's Cock Shot Emerges



He may be drowning, but his boys can swim. Weiner's Wife Is Pregnant



Weiner had attributed his troubles to "a vast right wing conspiracy," which would only be true if that's the position he plays on his hockey team. Weiner Moves to Make Amends Amid Calls for His Resignation



I used to know an election lawyer named Bob Muir (alev ha-sholem) who once forgot to file a disclosure report for a client and tried to cure it by producing a ”copy” of a letter he supposedly sent before the deadline to the State Election Board–the problem was that the allegedly timely letter somehow was sent to a new address the Board did not have at the time the letter was supposedly sent.

Somehow, Bob managed to dodge that bullet, but eventually was suspended from practice for trying to back-clock a filing at the NYC Election Board.

The point is that some people respond to a danger sign by becoming more careful, while others who successfully survive one close call think it is proof that they are invincible.

In the case of 'Weiner, we see a man who had clear warning that his politically dangerous activities were being watched. Add to this the example of Chris Lee, and the fact a Times reporter was doing a story on his Twittering, and you would think a sensible man would change his ways, at least until the storm passed.

Instead, Weiner disregarded all the danger signs, and continued his reckless behavior.

This, my fiends, is not stupidity.

This, my friends, is mental illness. Conservative Group Scanned Weiner’s Posts, Warned Women



Weiner’s comments about Jewish women are, shall we say, hard to swallow.

But that such a transcript exists is virtually unfathomable. And I'm starting to question whether he never met any of these women.



My suspicion about coaching first reared up when that young lady from Seattle mentioned how Clarence Thomas' refusal to recuse himself was more important than this, and then Weiner made the same point himself the next day.

Boy, do I wish I'd posted that then. Report: Anthony Weiner coached woman to lie – Jennifer Epstein



The world catches up to an idea I floated before almost anyone: That Weiner's seat is tailor made to be carved in redistricting. Two caveats to this analysis by the smartest man in America. The first (brought up first by me on Facebook, though Colin posted it first on his blog) is that the 9th could be made even more marginal by adding the Borough Park portion of Nadler's district. The other point, also made by Colin, is that Clarke's district is protected by the VRA, and will never be carved up. Weiner's Seat Could Be Scrambled in Redistricting



If Freedlander is right, and Weiner is staying to sacrifice his seat in redistricting, then he's taken advice first publicly offered by yours truly. Is Anthony Weiner Staying to Save His Colleagues? | PolitickerNY



This is just silly; no non-partisan panel (as opposed to a bi-partisan one) would ever create a district remotely resembling the one which Weiner represents. What Will Shape Anthony Weiner’s District? | PolitickerNY



Some wise thoughts from my buddy, Hesh Rabkin:

I may have been one of the first to suggest that Weiner's district could be eliminated if the pols thought he was seriously wounded by this.

But now that he is more wounded than I imagined he could last week, I don't think it will happen.

Assuming that what Weiner said on Monday is basically true and no crimes were committed, he still have quite a bit of strength as a candidate.

1 – He has money in his campaign account and the ability to raise a lot. The lefties around the country who think he's really one of them (which you and I know he isn't) are already convinced he's a victim of GOP dirty tricks. He will be able to raise millions via the web.

2 – The person in Queens who will have the most influence on Congressional redistricting is Joe Crowley. Do you think, knowing the paranoia that most pols about facing Primary opponents with money, Joe will take a chance, even if it's a 10% chance, of Weiner deciding to run against him if Weiner's district is obliterated?

My caveat to this observation is there are plenty of Gentiles Crowley could pick up (and would probably prefer to his Bronx turf) without tempting Weiner; it is Gary Ackerman who would end up with areas like Forest Hills which Weiner might might find worth the battle.  


If there is a special election, Melinda Katz, who lost to Weiner in 98 by 200 votes and has Citywide name recognition would seem at first blush (perhaps not the best choice of words) to be a lively possibility.

Let us remember however not merely that her single motherhood is unlikely to please the district’s many Orthodox Jews, but that her political career was fathered by Alan Hevesi (jailed), Hank Morris (jailed), Ray Harding (convicted) and Jack Chartier (unindicted co-conspirator) Names Emerge as Weiner’s Replacement | PolitickerNY



And who among us would have better understood the nature of this problem. Weiner Flashback: 2007 Bill To ‘Keep Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators’ | PolitickerNY



Salon recalls a story worth remembering.

Crown Heights served Weiner in two ways. More liberal voters were pushed right from Adele Cohen to Weiner, while more conservative voters were pushed right from Mike Garson to the fourth place finisher, psychopath Yehuda Levin (if you don’t remember Yehuda, ask Carl Paladino).

Rumor has it that Adele Cohen possesses a letter of apology from Anthony's parents New York City: The dirty trick that launched Anthony Weiner's career



Early 1992 memory.

Newly elected Councilman Weiner at the Harry Truman Club, telling me Bill Clinton would have no chance for the nomination once the stuff about his girlfriends came out.