The Gateway (Horse and Carriage Edition)

I yield to no one in my support of same sex marriage, and admire Senator Savino's courage, given her district, but, given her district (and for reasons of civility) one would think she'd treat opponents on the issue with a bit more respect.

The Brooklyn Politics Blog



Let us respect (even as we disagree with them) sincere religious opponents of same sex marriage.

But let us also call bullshit what it is.

Rev. Motley worries about all those poor children who will have only one biological parent.

Rev, I know dozens of adopted children of married couples who had zero bio-parents, and most of them made out just fine (or at least as fine as most of us with two bio-parents) Critic: Same-Sex Marriage Leaves Children With One Parent And Many Questions | PolitickerNY



The archbishop teaches civics.

Money quote: ""Last time I consulted an atlas, it is clear we are living in New York, in the United States of America — not in China or North Korea," said Dolan, who also leads the US Conference of Catholic Bishops…God, not Albany, has settled the definition of marriage a long time ago."

GATE: Last time I consulted an atlas, it was clear we were not living in the Vatican City State, The Holy Roman Empire or the Islamic Republican of Iran. The elected representatives of the people of NYS, not the Lord's representatives on earth, determine the definition of marriage in our man made laws. Dolan: Heaven help us if gays can wed



Likely credit for this one goes to Joe Bruno, who now (gack!) joins Carl Kruger (gack!) on the list of heroes. Capitol Confidential » Roy McDonald is 31st vote for same-sex marriage



Extortion time.

I'm betting on the end of Independent Redistricting and counting prisoners at home. Capitol Confidential » Senate GOP punts same-sex marriage decision



Every time I listen to Dov's show, I think of these words of wisdom:

All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
…All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah”
The Brooklyn Politics Blog



This is news? Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn | Psychology Today



Huntsman's playing to a very small constituency.

Republican's who…

1)…are willing to vote for a Mormon, but…

2) …who think Mitt is too conservative.

Despite Rock's egomaniacal belief that he might cost Huntsman the nomination, he is not the black man who is Huntsman's kiss of death.

Obama is.

Hard to see where the devil incarnate's man in China fits in this field. THE REPUBLICANS MAY HAVE FINALLY FOUND A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE WE CAN ALL SERIOUSLY CONSIDER | Room



Republicans prove they hate Obama more than they hate taxes (at least when they're not on the rich) If Obama Can't Get A Tax Cut, He Has An Issue | The New Republic



Shall we call him Congressman Weiner? Sherman to Introduce Circumcision Ban Prevention Bill | NJDC Blog



Did anyone say Kenny Gribetz?

In fairness, I have to admit I once did drag in the law school musical review, but my outfit was a bit more conservative (I played a matronly professor whose outfit was described as coming from “the Vatican City thrift shop.”).

On the other hand, I was thirty-two, so unlike Weiner, I cannot write it off as a youthful indiscretion. Anthony Weiner photos emerge showing congressman in bra and pantyhose



There are good arguments for Weiner to stay, go, or serve out your term quietly.

But Matthews proposes a waste of taxpayer money.

Anyway, the Governor would undoubtedly time the election so the party bosses chose the party nominees, and then, Weiner wouldn't even be on the ballot Hardball with Chris Matthews



Gary Tilzer asks if Weiner’s' elimination will eliminate a "Jewish seat"

Answer: No it will merely save a different Jewish seat slated for elimination instead (Ackerman's).

Tilzer also whines about the elimination of two “Jewish” Brooklyn state Senate seats last time out (I only count one, and that one was initially held by a Jew).

Maybe southern Brooklyn would have more Jewish seats if the old Jews didn't all die or move to Florida

But, what rankles most here is the stunning hypocrisy.

For all his fulminating about Israel, Tilzer helped elect the most anti-Israel member of the Brooklyn delegation, Yvette Clarke.

And he did so partially by spreading the blood libels that David Yassky (a Jew) was somehow tied in with arsonists (who surely had beards).

I know, because I still have the email from him.

Guaranteed, somehow this is connected with a client or a potential one.

Back in 2006, when he was strumpeting for Clarke, Tilzer was drumbeating about how people who didn’t back a black for a black seat were bigots.

But in 2003, he worked to elect an Hasidic candidate against a field of blacks in a Council District with a higher black percentage than Clarke’s Congressional District.

He defended Shawndya Simpson against charges about her residency when he helped her run for Civil Court Judge, then turned around and told the opposite tale when she ran against a different Tilzer client for Surrogate.

If he were a lawyer instead of a political consultant, he would’ve been disbarred.

I don’t know which is worse, Tilzer’s self righteous and sincere character assassination of anyone who articulates a viewpoint he abandoned five minutes before (when his food source changed), or the fact that so many “reformers” consider this unpleasant bag of bull some sort of principled hero. True News: Will Weiner Problem End Brooklyn Jewish Congressional District Tradition?



Domenic Recchia: Make sure to tune into FOX’s 'So You Think You Can Dance?' tonight, to vote for Coney Island native Robert Taylor Jr.!

Gatemouth: Dom, If you wanna make any headway in Brownstone Brooklyn you better stop recommending we watch Fox.