What Were Obama's Real Options? andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com
Among G.O.P. Hopefuls, Only Huntsman Supports Budget Deal www.nytimes.com
Eugene McDaniels, sang and wrote hits of '60s and '70s, dies at 76 – JSOnline www.jsonline.com
Christian Wrong – by Michelle Goldberg > Tablet Magazine – A New Read on Jewish Life www.tabletmag.com
Dissent Magazine – Arguing The World – Flags – www.dissentmagazine.org
Report: ’67 Borders Agreement | PolitickerNY www.politickerny.com
GOP Makes Play for Boro Park | PolitickerNY www.politickerny.com
Orthodox cops: Separate and unequal www.nypost.com
Free-quent flier Marty cashes in on junkets www.nypost.com
Is There a Problem, Photographer? | PolitickerNY www.politickerny.com
Thomas the Tank Engine: The popular children's show is sadly nostalgic for British imperialism. www.slate.com
From now on, we’re calling him Rock Flack-shaw.
blogging about a politician
never said that the DA used the powers of his office to try to swing the outcome of an election
refuted those lies point by point.
Yet he persists in stating that I “was hired many times to knock me (as a candidate/and/ or my fellow-insurgents) off the ballot.”
All right motherfucker, I dare you; name the cases.
He can’t, because, except in the one case I’ve noted in the link, there weren’t any.
Fact is, to the extent I ever worked as an election lawyer (a period which ended almost a decade ago), my work was almost entirely in helping people submit petitions which would ensure they were not knocked off the ballot.
And since I not done any Election Law for nearly a decade assertions like these are pretty psychotic (and might have qualified as such even when I did practice):
“He is one of those county-hatchet-men from the Dems party-machine. They are the ones who tear apart the petitions of insurgents, so that they could be prevented from exercising their constitutional right to seek public office. He is some idealist; isn’t he?
And that’s what they call democracy in Brooklyn’s political circles. Gatemouth is a political hit-man. He is a hired “Have Gun Will Travel”/ “Mr. Paladin”. For the right price he can be purchased to undermine democracy.”
Flack-shaw, can you back up your allegations with even one fact? The Court files are open to the public. The campaign fiancé reports are as well. Find my notice of appearance in any case. Find where I was paid.
I dare you.
If you can’t put up, and are then unwilling to admit you are wrong and apologize, then you have proven that you are a worthless liar.
Not that any further proof is really necessary.
If you were a Mamet character, someone would say about you that “you squat to pee.” HOW I WISH IT WERE TRUE | Room Eight www.r8ny.com