In my email today:
Gatey: Given the Parker for BP boomlet rumor, I find it hard to believe that your sarcastic wit has not already had a field day.
Feel free to steal WITHOUT ATTRIBUTION any of these handy dandy Parker campaign slogans
Kevin Parker: a Real Fighter
Kevin Parker: Man of Conviction[s]
Kevin Parker: In Your Face (Especially if you are a Woman)
Kevin Parker: He's Proven he can Beat an Indictment, Beat a Woman, Beat a Photographer, Beat Wellington Sharp. A Proven Beater.
Kevin Parker: Why waste a nice suit?
Kevin Parker: Too Insignificant to get Bribed in the Aqueduct Scandal
Gate, these things write themselves the way the Post writes Weiner headlines. Kevin Parker for Brooklyn Borough President? | PolitickerNY
Porky nonprofits gave mayoral hopeful Christine Quinn $127G
Sez Golden: "There's no direct benefit to me."
Which would seem to be exactly the point of the way they structured it. Apparently perfectly legal. Is there a hole for me to get sick in? Brooklyn pol Martin Golden pours in $39,000 to brother's catering business
Paper Weights and Payback as New York City Board of Elections Preps for Petition Challenges
The money for the park wasn’t there without the housing. Squadron probably knew this all along. Now he gets to explain to his angry constituents that everything he'd ever told them was a big lie. Housing Deal for Brooklyn Bridge Park Ensures Park’s Completion
The Brooklyn Politics Blog
Inside Vito Lopez’s secret meeting with the state booze commish