The Gateway (Defending Chuck Barron Edition)

Charles Barron misses a lot of City Council Meetings.

Can somebody please explain to me why this is supposed to be a bad thing? City council members frequently miss meetings; Charles Barron, Larry Seabrook top list of absentees


You Heard It Hear First: Normally I'd be the first one to celebrate Republicans emulating Dems by forming circular firing squads, but the GOP's profusion of nasty local internal contests in the areas overlapping the 9th CD in both Brooklyn and Queens raises the alarming possibility that while they are pulling out votes to fight each other, folks on both sides will cast a vote for Bob Turner as an afterthought.

Tom Duane realizes a fundamental truth: David Weprin said something really stupid, and it doesn't matter.

A Weprin defeat will be used by opponents of LGTB rights to send a hostile message about the consequences of supporting LGTB rights.

All the rest is commentary. In Wake of Marriage Comments, LGBT Community Wavers on Weprin | PolitickerNY

Diane Savino has never met a thought she's not expressed. But, I promise you that she and Gatemouth are two different people. The Brooklyn Politics Blog

I've been pretty damn outspoken  in favor of the right of Muslims to build a community center Downtown (and other religious facilities elsewhere), and taken special joy in pointing out Andrea Peyser's bigoted hypocrisy on the matter.

But she threw me for a loop mentioning the facility would have a sex segregated pool.  


If no taxpayer money is involved, the First Amendment surely protects their right to do this, but I have to ask some of the folks on my side if they'd so loudly be defending Hasids who tried to do the same thing.  Shameless NFL gives thugs a pass  

Unexpected mensch of the day: Chris Christie. (Show your appreciation. Take a big fat reactionary fuck to lunch.) Chris Christie Shoots Down Anti-Shariah Activists

The Great 2012 Presidential Debate: Romney v Romney Multiple Choice


The GOP Message: “We are now in control of economic policy, and if our policies don't work, Blame ObamaRepublicans: We're In Control, Blame Obama For The Results | The New Republic


The sinking of the Altalena was when David Ben-Gurion showed his people, the Arabs and the world that he was not Michael Collins. If Arafat had assimilated the lessons of the Altalena (and of Collins) he'd have died the President of a nation-state. Israel Plans to Raise the Famed Altalena –