The Gateway (Still on Vacation, But Stuck in Brooklyn Edition) [Embarrassing Update Added]

I want to thank everyone for their show of compassion for my family’s forced evacuation from Lewes Delaware (which faced a tornado on top of the hurricane) and our voluntary evacuation from the vicinity of the Gowanus Canal; your compassion was stunning:

Snow Day Sam: btw, Gate, thanks a lot for bringing this vacation weather back with you, we'd just have hated to miss out.

Anyway, let us make a few more passing comments about the thing Mr. Twain (no one objected he didn’t use his real name) said everyone talks about while doing nothing (and I don’t mean our schools), while we transition back to our normal abnormalcy:


Former Buffalo Mayor Jimmy Griffin's advice for a snow storm was “Stay inside, grab a six-pack and watch a good football game.”

But Slate reports that, in Brownstone Brooklyn, we prefer to clean out the $12 and under table at Smith and Vine

And yes, I brought six bottles there myself (I also went to Shelsky's and got a challah twist, a pletzel and two smoked trout). Hurricane Irene: New Yorkers are hoarding booze.

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According to CHN's “First Read,” like Gatey, evacuee Bob Turner also returned home to a flooded basement.

I deeply empathize.

Money quote: "I'm impressed with the professionalism I saw from the city and the volunteers."

Is this a flip flop of his position on Zadroga.


Turner is now calling for an independent Federal assessment of the hurricane damage.

But if you cut their budget by 35% while leaving Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid untouched, and not raising any taxes, how the fuck are you going to pay for that? The Brooklyn Politics Blog


Proof positive that Turner can work with liberal Democrats.

Also proof positive also of his suspect taste in liberal Democrats. Bob Turner, Jerry Springer And The Cowboy Outfit


Yesterday, the only paper I managed to snag a copy of was the Sunday News, which contained a pretty long, detailed and unexpectedly heartwarming human interest story about David Weprin having served as a volunteer reader for the legally blind David Paterson during law school. Almost, but not quite the equivalent of the Turner-adoption story (even if one suspects their affinity derived from both being the sons of pols). Top of Form

Not the sort of thing I normally link, but I wanted to send it to someone, since almost no one saw the actual paper. But today, it was nowhere to be found on the web.

Query, could the News Be suppressing it, because it does not comport with their approved narrative?

Since the News knew virtually no one would be reading it’s Sunday edition, they distributed most of their Sunday sections on Saturday. To me, the Paterson/Weprin piece looks like something they initially spiked, that saw print publication only because they needed some filler—and then someone higher up realized they didn't want to run it where anyone might get to actually see it in print.

This almost seems like a good story for an intrepid reporter to follow up on.

UPDATE: I wonder what prompted them to post this at 7:15 PM on Monday, 42 1/4 hours after Sunday began.  

I don’t wanna imply it was a hasty, face-saving afterthought, but they somehow managed to misspell both Weprin and Weiner in the headline. David Welprin, candidate running for Anthony Wiener's seat, read books to ex-Gov. David Paterson at

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I must take issue with Colin's assertion that Turner "has never identified/associated himself directly with the phrase 'Tea Party.'”

Turner spoke at a Tea Party rally in September 2010. As The Brooklyn paper noted in covering that event:

Former Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey, Blue Collar Corner blogger Andrew Sullivan, Republican congressional candidate Bob Turner and Republican Assembly candidate Nicole Malliotakis all addressed the crowd, although Malliotakis did not take the Brooklyn Tea Party pledge to freeze the budget and reduce capital spending by 15 percent, to fight the so-called Ground Zero mosque and support a divisive Arizona immigration law that allows police to demand immigration papers from anyone they suspect of being in this country illegally.”

One can come to no other conclusion that, the others, Turner included, agreed to fully embrace the Tea Party agenda he now denies supporting. In fact, as noted above, Turner did not think it cut deep enough.

I think if one speaks at a rally for the Klan, the burden of proof shifts on the question of whether one embraces its principles. I'll also note that Red called Turner “the quintessential Tea Party candidate.” It is only with this election that Turner has voiced objection to some Tea Party positions.

I'll also note the Tea Party rally Turner spoke at was one opposing the construction of two religious facilities solely on the basis of the religion of those who would use them. In fact, Turner just recently told the Daily News that, in spite of the 1st Amendment, he'd use discriminatory application of zoning regulation to stop such a facility.

In addition, as recently as June, Turner was publishing Tea Party oriented articles he now calls mere pandering.

What would Turner need to do to convince Colin? Invade cargo boats in Boston Harbor?

We use short-hands in politics because they quickly sum up in few words essential truths.

Tea Party is a perfect good abbreviation for the essential truth of what Bob Turner is. The Brooklyn Politics Blog


In which Albany Project honcho Phil Anderson says he despises Bob Turner and tells him to go fuck himself, but still refuses to endorse Weprin, seemingly relying on the delusional excuse that Turner can't win. the albany project:: NY-9: Turner Believes Zadroga 9/11 Law Shouldn't Cover Ground Zero Volunteers

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Kamikaze "progressive" Phil Anderson greets the fabulous news that troglodyte Anne Buerkle is being challenged by the Dem's strongest possible candidate by instead boosting some leftie sure loser.

Phil, if this woman is nominated, the seat does not get picked up, and Barney Frank does not get to be a committee chair.

It really is that simple. the albany project:: NY-25: Meet The Other Dem, Brianne Murphy


Michael Bouldin gleefully dissects ”progressive nihilists” and rips them to shreds.

Here's hoping he takes on his old business partner, Phil Anderson. Daily Kos: So you think you're 'the base', huh?


I certainly have no interest in boosting the chances of the GOP nominating their sanest candidate, but the first time I heard the term "Jack Mormon" was in reference to my all-time favorite Presidential candidate, Mo Udall, so let's drink a round of Irish Coffees in Huntsman's honor. The Jack Mormon?