VINES (#2-2011)

I haven’t done a “Vines” column in a long time since they always seem to get me in trouble. Anyway let’s give it another try.

My last column (“Sex, Lies, Video and Audiotape”) generated a whole lot of feedback. I am postponing part two for now. 

Here are two endorsements from “The Rock”. I enthusiastically endorse Phil Goldfeder for the Assembly. I will give a lukewarm endorsement to Ruben Willis (City Council). Both races are in Queens. Phil Goldfeder will make a fine elected official. This is a prediction folks. He is going to win handily. He is a very intelligent guy.  He might become mayor or governor one day.

Now Ruben on the other hand is a troublesome selection given his many personal woes; but he deserves a chance at finishing out the term. We can reassess him in 2013. One of his opponents (Rev. Kayode) is “good people”.  I see Allan Jennings is still in the fray and mixing it up: a tenacious guy isn’t he? You’ve got to like Allan.

He has a puncher’s chance here: but he is still a long shot.  

As for Brooklyn endorsements, I am taking a pass this year. Don’t ask why. Just some observations though. Behind the scenes of Brooklyn’s annual judge races you will always finds loads and loads of political intrigue. This year is no different. I will say no more for now.

In the race to replace Darryl Towns, I have no dog hunting. At one point I was willing to help Deidra Towns because of my long strange political friendship with her father and brother. I even sent out some feelers to that effect but got no response. I do have an observation -even though the young lady is Hispanic- relative to this seat (54th AD). Why is it when a member of the Towns clan is running here, you will find two Hispanic opponents competing to split up the anti-Towns vote? Just a question; that’s all.

While we are with that family: Darryl Towns sure “fucked up” didn’t he? Anyway, we all make mistakes sometimes. Some of us make bigger mistakes than others. This is a guy who once railed against the very thing he did. I am willing to forgive him this mistake. Let’s hope he defeats whatever demons are chasing him. He must know this was a big strike though. For some reason his chief of staff (Manny Burgos) continually refuses to return my phone calls: no big thing. Life goes on. I am a bit mystified though. Was it something I wrote? LOL.

Word on the street (only in some segments) is that Darryl’s father (Congressman Ed Towns) will get no challenge next year. Folks are saying that Hakeem Jeffries lacks the balls to challenge Ed. They are also saying that both Charles Barron and Kevin Powell aren’t viable anymore. If all this is true, then District leaders (57thAD) Ola Alabi and Walter Moseley will have to postpone their impending fight to replace Hakeem in Albany. Trust me when I tell you that behind the scenes there is a semi-quiet battle being waged between loyalists in both camps.  Eventually I will probably have to choose a side. If and when that happens I will probably lose a few political friends, since I know them both. I initially endorsed both of them when they weren’t the big stars they are now. I like them both. They are both very visible as district leaders.

I am sure that Ola is aware of the potential challenge for the leader-title, coming from Renee Collymore next year. Ms. Collymore challenged Alabi last year in a very spirited contest.  Renee is working hard to build her political club and extend her political base. She appears to be a tenacious individual with lofty political ambitions.
Keep your eyes on this the 57th district folks. In the redistricting year, you will find this seat can pick up many more white voters than it already has. Eventually this seat will be challenging for any black elected to hold on to: so too the 35th city council seat.  

In Brooklyn’s 42nd AD, there are three people contemplating running against Rhoda Jacobs next year: Zacary LaReche, Michelle Adolphe and Delroy Wright.  Now most of you readers probably know of Adolphe and LaReche, since they challenged Ms. Jacobs before; and I have written a lot about them over the last six years. Delroy Wright is a Jamaican-born businessman/political activist. He is the founder of the Flatbush-Empire Merchants Association. He was once a big supporter of both Yvette and Una Clarke (probably still is). He is also the person (via said organization) who started the summer carnival event held every August, on Flatbush Avenue -between Empire Boulevard and Church Avenue- for about fifteen years now. This year, over thirty thousand people showed up or the foods, drinks, soca, calypso, reggae and steel pans. 
Over the years, lots of people have been pushing Delroy Wright to seek public office. He is a very popular bar-owner. He also owns rental property, a Health Food Store, plus a Caribbean-American restaurant/bakery: all in the district. Some are suggesting that he should run for city council instead: after the new lines are drawn. Others are suggesting other things. Fact is that conversations have started and meetings have been held. Delroy is cooking up something folks. If he does run it will make for an interesting candidacy. He is quite well known in the Flatbush/East Flatbush area. He is also well known in Caribbean-American and African-American political and cultural circles.  

State senator John Sampson of Brooklyn, feels that the Manhattan DA (Cyrus Vance jnr.) erred in dropping all the sex-abuse charges against ferenchman Dominique Strauss-Kahn. A few weeks ago Sampson joined members of the Brooklyn clergy in a press conference supportive of Nafissatou Diallo’s right to a day in court.
Council member Jumanne Williams is slowly winning acclaim for his visibility on many citywide issues; especially given he is still a freshman.  Williams has been much more vocal and outspoken than many old-timers in the council. He is obviously demonstrating a fearlessness that’s commendable in today’s political environment: hats off to him. 

Word on the street is that state senator Eric Adams wants to run for Brooklyn Borough President in 2013. I am also hearing that Senator Kevin Parker is likewise interested in the post; this doesn’t make sense to me, since I believe Parker’s bad-behavior in office disqualifies him from holding any office: including the pone he presently holds. I have also heard that Lori Knipel, Dominic Recchia, Nick Perry and one of Marty’s Markowitz’s male deputies, are all contemplating making this race. I am told that Yvonne Graham isn’t running.
Eric Adams will make a fine boro prez. Eric is one of the few electeds who has always held my support and respect . If Lori Knipel does run then I will have a hard decision to make. I will have to choose between the two of them. That’s a very tough decision for me.  I admire and respect both individuals.  Lori has been a good friend for years. Eric was there for me when I was down a couple years aback. I guess I will cross that bridge when it comes up.  

Nick Perry is getting a challenge finally. Nick likes to cry Johnny Raye-style, but he has had very few primary challenges in his twenty year tenure (58th AD). There have been two, to be exact: Abu A.Q. Abu in 2004 and 2008. At present there are two potential challengers waiting in the wings: male and female. They are young, vibrant, energetic and highly qualified. Nick is an old friend, but twenty years in office is way too much. In Brooklyn, people like Nick, Velmanette Montgomery, Annette Robinson, Al Vann, and more than a few others need to just resign. It’s time for new blood. You’ve got to make way for the young folks. It appears that some of these folks will be dribbling all over themselves, while peeing in their “Depends”, rather than graciously bowing out.

In the 58thAD, CUNY’s Corey Provost is returning for another crack at the district leadership (Weyman Carey). Last year, Corey ran a promising race against the former election commissioner. He was supported by Una Clarke, amongst many other prominent pols in the area. Keep your eyes on this young man. I hear he now works for the governor.

In the 55th AD, there is a quiet battle being waged to unseat Junior Boyland. Anthony Hurbert is working real hard in this endeavor. So too is Bashir Jones. I am told that there are at least a dozen candidates contemplating a run for this seat; including the former female district leader Alicka Ampry-Samuels. Folks like Reggie Bowman, Royston Antoine, Leatrice Walker and David Miller are also said to be considering runs.  There is also a big rumor that junior’s beautiful sister (ex-council member Tracey Boyland) is entering the race, in order to maintain the Boyland dynasty’s decades-long influence and power in the area.

Junior Boyland was in the news lately when someone fired a bullet into his van as he was driving through the district -with his son a passenger. One media entity speculated that it was a warning (message) for him, not to cooperate with the feds. Junior is presently under indictment for holding a no-show job with an area hospital. I was told that he is also accused of influence-peddling.

In the 56th AD, word is that Rev. Taharka Robinson will eventually replace his mother (Annette) in Albany. Taharka is running and backing a judicial candidate this year. I have stayed away from this race, but let me just say that the opponent to Taharka’s candidate is Cheryl Gonzales. Cheryl was born in Trinidad (my homeland).  I do wish her well. BTW: today is the 49th anniversary of Trinidad and Tobago’s independence from Great Britain (08-31).

Rumors out of the 40thAD have Charles Barron switching seats with his wife Inez (assembly member) in two years. I am told that Brooklyn’s Our Time Press newspaper had an article to this effect. I didn’t see it though I have heard this rumor before. Chris Banks wants to run for the 42nd city council seat to replace a term-limited Barron; so too about a half dozen other candidates.

Other rumors have Tish James running for public advocate in 2013 and not for Brooklyn DA. Some are now saying that Marty Markowitz will take his shot at becoming mayor. I keep telling folks that Marty has a fair chance at upsetting the present field; especially now that Tony Wiener is gone.  

What is Terry Hinds up to? He is presently the chair of Community Board 17. Some have speculated this young attorney and political activist will challenge Kevin Parker for the senate seat (#21). I don’t believe that.  Rudy Daly wanted to challenge Parker, but I am now told he is has changed his mind about that. Where is Sam Taitt when you need him? LOL.

I have considered challenging Parker next year, but I haven’t gotten much traction (or support) for an insurgent run. Some folks are saying that I am way too controversial. MOI?  No way!

Anyway, Hinds has been signaling interest in running for office again. I am assuming that after the lines are redrawn we will be hearing from him.  

They are telling me that Yvette Clarke will get a challenge next year. I don’t know what to make of that. I had heard about council member Darlene Mealy being interested in the race, but then those whispers went south. Yvette won’t be an easy lay (so to speak). She will hold on to her Caribbean-American base. My suspicions are that Yvette may yet encounter a challenge from a white candidate. It all depends on how the lines are drawn after redistricting. Her district has to find about thirty thousand new residents in order to meet the new population guidelines.

Let me modify an earlier comment. There are ambiguous signals coming from the 10th congressional. Some are saying that Hakeem Jeffries will run against Ed Towns come hell and high water. I will see it to believe it. Hakeem has time on his hands. Ed must be tired of all this running. We will know before Christmas as to what will happen next year. If Hakeem challenges Ed Towns then it will be a really tight race. Ed will be the favorite to retain his seat, but he will have to work hard to turn back this challenge.  

Has anybody seen Stan Kinard? Last time I saw him it was on a milk carton. Coming to think about it, I can say the same for Reggie Bowman, Maurice Gumbs, Abu Abu, Richard Taylor, Guillermo (Bill) Philpot and Robert Hunter.  These are all folks who challenged the Brooklyn political establishment for years. I have to conclude that they have all been beaten into submission. 

Congratulations are in order for Rev. Karim Camara. He was selected to be the chair of the Black, Hispanic and Asian Caucus of the New York State assembly. I wish him luck in moving this body forward to more progressive places. I suspect Camara wants to get significant things done folks. He needs help. His constituents love him. I hope he puts together an agenda for dealing with the many issues and problems facing black-Brooklyn.

The man Camara replaced in the assembly (Clarence Norman) is having a birthday bash soon. I saw Clarence a few months aback. He looks fabulous. Clarence always dresses clean. I am sure the birthday bash will be well attended.

Hakeem Jeffries has been trying to raise funds folks. He recently held a fundraiser amongst Jewish interests in Williamsburg. Is he infiltrating the support base of Ed Towns? 

Folks are saying that Mayor Bloomberg over-reacted to Hurricane Irene. They say he erroneously closed down the city when he stopped the trains and busses from running last Saturday: long after the real threats had been averted. Back in the islands we play soccer during a category two hurricane/lol.

Congratulations to Al Sharpton for obtaining a show on MSNBC. Al is an intriguing figure and a dynamic personality: but he isn’t as informative (or polished) as Rachelle Maddow or Melissa Harris-Perry.

Many black folks I know are pissed at Barack Obama for a multitude of reasons. And yet the same black folks are even more pissed at what they see as Republican disrespect for the man and the office. Some blacks are saying that Obama isn’t black enough to handle them. I suspect they want him to tell some Republican leader to “kiss his big black butt” one of these days. I will tell you folks, that’s never going to happen. BO is too cool for that. It would be nice to see him lose his cool just one time though. The man couldn’t even take a much needed vacation with his wife and kids, without being criticized. What a job!

Stay tuned-in folks.