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The Gateway (Boardwalk Empire Spoiler Alert Edition)
Azi says there were plenty of "reformers" at Vito's holiday party. Don't know, went to Skurnik's, partially because when County phoned me with the invite, I thought I was being set up for a "Jimmy Darmitty" season finale. Twitter / Azi Paybarah: A source texts: "@ Kings C …
In which we learn that Isaac Sasson is no longer a “closet” Republican, that Allan Jennings is still insane and that the Governor is not against Independent Redistricting, just independent Senators. Heard Around Town, Dec. 14,
·Chait: "The robotic consistency of Romney’s newfound conservatism does contrast sharply with Gingrich, who lurches between hysterical right-wing paranoia and bouts of bipartisanship. And yet the erratic character of Gingrich’s swings suggests that they’re unplanned, and thus that they spring from actual conviction, albeit momentary convictions. Gingrich actually believes what he is advocating at the moment he is advocating it. Nobody can plausibly say the same of Romney." Romney’s Eerie Post-Flip-Flop