The Gateway (Cuomo Joke Edition)

A perhaps apocryphal story:

The Governor is meeting with his top aides. His consigliere says "one more thing Governor, we have to schedule that election for Kruger's seat. A March date would probably be best for the Senate Democrats."

The Governor snarls, "and why should I be interested in helping that bunch of gibbones?"

The consigliere replies: "You should be enthusiastic about helping Lew Fidler. His election will double the IQ of the Conference."
The Governor looks at his aide with fury: "But that's the problem.”

The Governor looks at his aide with pity: "But that's the problem."His consiglieri replies: "You should be enthusiastic about helping Lew Fidelr. His election will double the IQ of the Conference."

The Governor looks at his aide with pity: "But that's the problem."




A non-apocryphal story:

Gate (to Bill Thompson): You must be running the most schizophrenic mayoral campaign in history.

Bill: Why's that?

Gate: You don't know whether in the run-off you'll be running as the conservative against DeBlasio or the left candidate against Quinn.

Bill (smiling): There will be no run-off; remember where you heard that.




Easter rather than Christmas is usually the time to celebrate resurrection, but Saints be praised, St. Jermaine Enderley's non-existent campaign for the State Senate has more lives than a cat, and, if like me, you write a column of political humor, his staying in the race is like a gift from St. Nick, maybe even the Magi.

More so than gonorrhea, or even David Storobin, St. Jermaine Enderley is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Whatever the outcome, one cannot call a total loss a campaign where a young man learns such a valuable lesson concerning lying about what's in one's text messages.
A tumultuous year in Island politics




But what the Lord gives with one hand, he takes away with the other, as we are deprived of Alex Borgognone, now forgotten before he was gone. Staten Island Dem Alex Borgognone abandons challenge of Rep. Michael Grimm



I can’t say I disagree with the bottom line of this editorial; I'd like to see the law on special elections changed to facilitate a primary.

But that being said, this editorial is wrong in one aspect.

Unlike in a multi-county district like the 9th CD, the candidate in the 27th will not be chosen by one man (and Democratic County Leader Vito Lopez's role in the process is actually rather limited–if he really controlled the nomination, there might be a different nominee).

Selection of a Party nominee by Party Committees is NOT democracy, but as someone who seem this process live and in person more than once, it is often quite contentious, and sometimes there is a surprise result (Ask former Assemblywoman Sylvia Friedman—or even better, ask Scott Stringer).  The parties vs. the people



The War may have been a stupid idea, but Jimmy Oddo is right–why aren't we giving our Iraq veterans a parade? A councilman wants to know why New York is not having a parade for Iraq veterans | Capital New York



One once could say that at least Ron Paul spoke the truth–not the objective truth, but what his deranged mind actually believed.

Now he's just another dissembling pol. Fifteen Years Ago, Ron Paul Wasn't Claiming Somebody Else Wrote His Newsletters





·         Showing where the Brooklyn GOP really stands on Carl Kruger, the Law Chair of The Kings County Republican Party, Gene “Big Pussy” Berardelli (personally handpicked by State Senator Marty Golden's sock-puppet Party Chair Craig Eaton) calls Gatey out (in the thread) for being too harsh about Kruger, even though the GOP has been trying to hang Kruger around the Democrats necks like a burning tire:

Gene (To Gate): "Yep, sounds like you're throwing a fallen foe under the proverbial bus to me. Or kicking a man when he's down. Or tap-dancing on someone's grave. Or whatever phraseology you want to use. In any case, it doesn't speak well of you.

Thank you for this little insight into your psyche. I think we all learned a lot. Now please, kindly slink back under that rock of a blog from whence you came." Brooklyn GOP Radio: Kruger Falls. Hard. Enter: David Storobin