As I noted the other day, most of the voluminous literary legacy of likely GOP State Senate candidate, Kings County Republican Vice Chair David Storobin, mysteriously disappeared from the web almost immediately after I revealed I’d been exploring it and intended to deeply parse its mysteries.
Once mostly confined to a single website, the writings of Storobin are now scattered to the winds, and must be searched out individually on places like white supremacist hate sites.
Another exploration for another day.
Luckily, there is one motherload of the sayings of Vice Chairman Storobin which survives, at least at the present moment.
It is a truly lovely portrait of Storobin’s semi-paranoiac xenophobic world view, his Red-baiting and Nazi-baiting of those who disagree with him, as well as a cautionary tale about the dangers of epistemic closure.
Herewith, an annotated study of the Facebook ravings of David Storobin.
David Storobin:
DaDavid Storobin shared Russian Jews's photo. ..::ADMINS ART EXPO::..
David Storobin: This is not an ideological issue. Democrats outside of New York City don't get arrested this much. But NYC Dem politicians are like a fraud syndicate. No person who is aware of facts can deny that "our" Dems are far more corrupt than either Republicans or Democrats in any other city
· David Storobin: Anti-Semitism tainting Occupy Wall Street protests
David Storobin So it is the cops who make the Leftists walk into the local small businesses, such as restaurants, and defecate in the sink, on the floor and on the walls?
· David Storobin: Torah law forbids you from voting for David Weprin
David Storobin: If David Weprin is so opposed for merely voting in favor of gay marriage, just how much opposition will there be against Lew Fidler, City Council's #1 champion of the Gay Lobby?
· David Storobin: Intersect Eps. 33: Marriage Equality – Intersect on
GATE COMMENT: In the interview, Storobin compares elected legislators enacting same sex marriage to totalitarianism in North Korea, and as well as under Stalin and the Nazis (BTW, where did the moderator get that haircut?).
Incidentally, though Storobin doesn’t approve of Sodomy, he’s perfectly fine with Onanism:
· David Storobin: Carl Krueger is Old and Busted, David Storobin is the New Hotness
David Storobin:
John Lisyanskiy: Someone would say "false advertisement" !!! Hope all is well David!
Judy Pepenella: David, I like your math statistics. Let's pray they do not forget all this man has done when it comes time to vote.
David Storobin: John, I got the first part from the liberal blogger Gatemouth and the second part from reviewing voter registration. I looked at a few random EDs in Borough Park and democratic/republican registration was very close among young people. I also saw several news reports that young Jews are voting more conservative. You should look at how the Russians voted. Brighton was won almost 2:1 by Susan Kone against the powerful incumbent Nadler. It was not an exception, it was the rule there. Bush, Mccain, Bloomberg, Giuliani and others had massive wins there.
David Storobin:
· David Storobin:
David Storobin: I liked Herman Cain from the first time I saw him at the FoxNews debate. Very likeable personality, intelligent and has common sense. And I will take a businessman over a politician any day of the week.
David Storobin: "Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan," the president said… Was it really important to take credit openly?
GATE COMMENT: I thought conservatives were all for accountability and people taking responsibility for their actions.
David Storobin:
David Storobin (with picture): Yes, that's me holding the Bush/Quayle sign.
David Storobin: Al Qaeda Chief in Pakistan Killed
GATE COMMENT: The hotel tax is most notable for being paid for almost entirely by people who don’t live in New York City, or by people violating the halachic prohibition against fornication. It was up for renewal, and since it had obviously not hurt our booming tourist trade, extending it seemed a no-brainer, so naturally those with no brains were opposed.
David Storobin via Storobin for Senate: New York City considers hotel tax hike | The Real Deal | New York Real Estate News
· David Storobin via Storobin for Senate: Lew Fidler urges a vote to continue the hotel tax
Colin Campbell: "keep them high" could perhaps be a more charitable interpretation
David Storobin As of November, the taxes were supposed to be a certain percentage as per the original law. He wants to these taxes higher than they are scheduled to be. Seems like a tax hike to me. But either way, the solution to budgetary problems is never to cut waste or crack down on fraud. Once a government program is introduced, it becomes holy and to even review their effectiveness means people like Fidler will smear you as someone who wants to starve the elderly and kill babies. Politicians must all be geniuses since every time they invest money, the investment is absolutely perfect and can never be re-considered. Clearly no businessman is as smart as these politicians!
· David Storobin via Colin Campbell: Lew Fidler explaining the hotel tax
David Storobin: Every business owner comes to a point when he realizes that certain expenses are wasteful and need to be cut, but the government can never admit that anything is ever wasteful. Every program becomes holy and if any program is cut, leftist radicals tell us that the elderly will starve and children will die. Cut the waste, Lew, cut it before you harm our travel and hotel industry!
GATE COMMENT: Nowhere in the dozens of posts on his Facebook page does Storobin ever name even one State or City program he wants cuts (other than general calls to reduce “waste”). Ironically, elsewhere on his page he attacks the President’s efforts to cut waste in Medicare as an attack on the elderly. Go figure.
· David Storobin:
§ DDavid Storobin Yeah, let's fight the people who became successful. Let's vilify them. Let's confiscate more and more from them, always claiming that they are not paying enough. That worked out so well in the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, etc!
David Storobin I can kind of understand other people supporting leftist policies, but how is it possible for Russians to support this economically illiterate demagoguery? Hasn't the Soviet experiment been lesson enough?! Or is the liberal brainwashing in college so efficient that nobody remembers why Soviet citizens moved to the United States, and not the reverse?
David Storobin: Seriously? HuffPost is your source? What happened, Kim Jong-Il wasn't available for a comment?
· David Storobin: New York Is The Least Free State, Study Finds (VIDEO)
GATE COMMENT: In opposing the Young Men’s Islamic Association proposed for The Holy Mother Coat Factory Storobin said:
“How would people react is a German cultural center was placed right next to Auschwitz? Sure, not all Germans are bad. The German culture has produced many great people such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Immanuel Kant. I fully support the building of German cultural centers all over the world – but not next to Auschwitz.
When I oppose a German cultural center next to Auschwitz, does that mean that I believe that all Germans are Nazis? Of course not! But why should their cultural center be next to Auschwitz? Is there no other place available that is less sensitive?
An Auschwitz-based German cultural center would be that much more offensive if its founders had a history of arguing that the Jews are bad people who harmed Germans and as a result, the German murder of Jews is justifiable and understandable, and provoked by the Jews. Someone like that would not only be prevented from building anything in Auschwitz, they would be driven out of any civilized organization.
Yet, the founders of the Ground Zero Mosque have repeatedly argued that Americans provoked terrorism by doing something bad to the Muslims, and therefore terrorism is understandable. Incidentally what Americans are accused of by Muslims – stealing natural resources, controlling global money and media for their own benefit, starting wars to make a profit – is exactly what the Nazis accused the Jews of.
It is unthinkable that people who think that 9/11 could be “understandable” would be allowed to build anything near Ground Zero.”
I don’t agree with his position, but let’s concede his point arguendo. How then could he oppose a Mosque in Sheepshead Bay being built “as of right.”
Is it too close to the hallowed ground of Lundy’s?
While the Councilman Lew Fidler has made the appropriate efforts to address the neighbors’ legitimate concerns and ensure that the builders will comply with all applicable laws, no local elected, not even Republican Senator Marty Golden has had the bad taste to take a stand against the constitutional right of local Muslims to build a religious facility.
But David Storobin has.
· David Storobin via Storobin for Senate Anti-mosque rally in Brooklyn, 3/13/2010 — part 7
GATE COMMENT: Storobin he opposes the Sheepshead Bay Mosque because its backers will not condemn terrorism. As I noted the other day, though there is no legal requirement (as opposed to a moral one) that the Mosque's backer publicly declare their opposition to terrorism, the Mosque’s backers do claim that they oppose it.
Storobin claims, with some justice that their denunciations are mealy-mouthed and non-specific and hold fast to his principled position.
The question is, if there were a religious Congregation in his district where the spiritual leader had endorsed the assassination of a democratically elected leader, would Storobin call upon that congregation to be shut down?
Such a congregation does exist. To sweeten the pot, the leader whose death was called for was an Israeli?
Or is calling for the death of an Israeli Prime Minister OK if a Rabbi does it?
BTW, on the video, Storobin makes the distinction between good and bad Muslims. Apparently, the good Muslims are the ones he can go have a beer with.
This is sort of like his buddy, Republican Party Law Chair Gene Beradelli, who divides Jews in much the same manner. The good Jews apparently being the ones whom he can go out with for some spare ribs.
Storobin loves Berardelli so much he even goes on vacation with him:
· David Storobin (with picture):
· David Storobin:
Eugene Pevzner LOL but i could still think of a few things that kids should def not be introduced to.
David Storobin Considering that musical chairs is now regarded as too violent in many schools, I think we need to introduce them to more things, now fewer.
Eugene Pevzner Yeah and bring back recess. whats wrong with musical chairs now?
David Storobin Someone has to lose and no game can ever have a loser. Plus when two kids try to sit in a chair at the same time, there might be accidental pushing. Seesaws and monkey bars are also too dangerous now.
GATE COMMENT: Imagine how crazy he’ll go when he learns about Fidler’s crusade against metal bats.
· David Storobin: Zombie Americans have forgotten why 4th of July is a holiday!!! « The Jewish Tea Party of New York
· David Storobin:
· David Storobin:
· David Storobin:
David Storobin: Liberals told people to buy "green" hybrid cars to save money on gas. Now that they are trying to make us pay a tax instead of spending money on gas. I say this is fraud. A private citizen who is not a Congressman would get arrested for pulling a stunt like this.