Iowa Caucus 2012 Results: Vote-Counter Says Mistake Gave Mitt Romney 20 Extra Votes
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The Grand Strategy Behind Obama’s Recess Appointment
As predicted:
Gate (3/25/11): "In the Senate things get even more creative.
The Assembly’s 150 seats are set by the State Constitution. The Constitution sets the number of Senate seats by a formula which can no longer be applied as written because of intervening Court decisions.
As a result, there are two competing constitutionally permissible methods of interpreting that formula.
Only three people in the State of New York understand exactly how these competing methods work, and one of them has retired and spends his time attending the opera and sending me notes about proof-reading errors in my columns.
The Courts have deferred to the legislature, meaning they’ve deferred to the Senate, in interpreting that formula.
The Senate has changed its interpretation every ten years, depending upon how many seats best suits its political needs.
In the last three reapportionments we’ve gone from 60 seats to 62, using different formulas in different years.
No one knows what the Senate’s magical mathematical alchemist will determine is the correct formula…" Krueger Blasts ‘Constitutional Con Artists’
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