Jon Huntsman Rips Mitt Romney In NBC News/Facebook Debate | Mediaite
Winner of Iowa Caucus Still in Doubt
TNR Staff: A Long List Of The Most Terrible Things Rick Santorum Has Ever Said | The New Republic
Newt Gingrich: ‘There’s a Lot More Anti-Christian Bigotry Today Than There Is Concerning The Other S
Even the hard-right Jewish Press grudgingly admitted "President Obama…and his surrogates seem never to miss an opportunity to tout Mr. Obama’s undeniable support for Israel’s security…Obama, with some justification, told an audience of Reform Jews, “I am proud to say that no U.S. administration has done more in support of Israel’s security than ours. None. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. It is a fact…. We’re going to keep standing with our Israeli friends and allies just as we’ve been doing when they needed us most…. I have not wavered and will not waver. The special bonds between our nations are ones that Americans hold dear…. They’re bonds that transcend partisan politics – or at least they should.”
Yet Republicans play guilt by Obama association games with Jewish voters to discredit local Democratic candidates.
Well guys, if you wanna play guilt by association, how about the fact that your two front-runners both said they would support anti "support for Israel's security," anti-Semitic filth in his profit making newsletters, 9/11 truther fellow traveler Ron Paul if he were the GOP nominee.
If there's any guilt by association, let us make the most of it!
The GOP's Albatross
Pity The Billionaire — By Thomas Frank — Book Review
The Spoiler: Ron Paul and the Democracy that Sets Us Up to Fail – News – GOOD
Report: Kerrey considers Senate bid
Guest Editorial from a Surprising Place:
"We thought the outrageous incident involving an eight-year-old child being spat on by a haredi man because he didn't think she was modestly dressed was about as over the top as one could get.
We thought the outrageous incident involving an eight-year-old child being spat on by a haredi man because he didn’t think she was modestly dressed was about as over the top as one could get. But then came the demonstration in Jerusalem Saturday night in which extremist Orthodox Jews actually marched with yellow “Jude” armbands and also play-acted several infamous scenes of Jews in the throes of the horrors of the Holocaust.
The purpose of the costumes and the posturing was to draw parallels between what the Jews experienced at the hands of the Nazis and what haredim supposedly experience at the hands of an Israeli government they say is opposed to their standards of Judaism.
The analogy is an obvious obscenity and an unspeakable affront to the memories of the victims of the Holocaust, and as such is utterly unacceptable. It reflects a juvenile perception of human events and an extraordinary lack of sensitivity and judgment. It is also an example of an unfortunate development in Orthodox Jewish life as individuals with narrow agendas arrogate to themselves the right to speak for the faith – with impunity." An Obscenity In Jerusalem
Clueless Observation of the week–The Courier Papers on the 27th SD:
"…but Republicans believe the heavily blue-leaning district is in play since Rep. Bob Turner (R–Sheepshead Bay) won a surprise victory there in 2010 after Rep. Anthony Weiner resigned in disgrace during a sexting scandal."
The 27th gave John McCain 57% of the vote–his second best Senate district in the State.
On what performance based metric does the Courier base the almost baseless observation that this is a "heavily blue-leaning district"?!?
Show me the numbers! Watch out: Here’s our 12 to watch in 2012