The Gateway (Lip Syncing Edition)

Domestic Partner: Can you tell me the name of any famous Giants or Patriots?

Gate: Gulliver and Nathan Hale




Does the Meadowland have a canyon of heroes? Do outlet stores count? If we do a ticker tape parade for a Jersey team, can Iran War Veterans at least come and watch?   





Despite all his New York bashing, Newt must have taken solace from that last minute victory. On the other hand, the Giants had only been down by two points.  




Ho hum—Romney wins a state full of Mormons.

Other pertinent observation: If Ron Paul can't even place in a state with legalized hookers, it's hard to see where he goes from here (excepting perhaps the Big Easy).


If this were a normal campaign instead of its opposite (a mission from Ayn Rand), Paul would be over.




The Smartest Man In America in America Serves as the GOP's GPS and outlines four alternative routes for the road ahead. Five Paths Forward for G.O.P. Nomination




Chait: "Any attempt to explain why Romneycare is so vastly different than Obamacare really ought to explain why the economist who designed both plans thinks they’re the same fucking bill." Conservatives to Rescue Romney From His Past




Frum Should Just Become A Democrat (Part 97): "Because of the Affordable Care Act, near-universal health coverage is coming at last to the United States. That's not a clock that can or should be turned back. The conservative task ahead is to reform that new social commitment so that it is affordable and sustainable, so that it is financed in ways that do not discourage work, saving and investment."  For Coulter, Against Levin




Ron Paul wins Sheldon Adelson's private Havdalah caucus.

This reminds me of all those Jews in Boca who voted for Buchanan; as Bill Maher said:

"All eyes turned to Jewville to sort out the mess,

 But Hyman and Hershel and dear old Aunt Bess,

 Were too senile to vote for the one that they liked,

 They poked the wrong hole and joined the Third Reich."  But Hyman and Hershel and dear old Aunt Bess,
Were too senile to vote for the one that they liked,
They poked the wrong hole and joined the Third Reich."
Adelson Sits Helplessly Grim-Faced as Supporters of the Anti-Israel Ron Paul Over-run the NV Jewish.




As far as I can make out Ron Paul now favors emergency contraception, but only in the case of "Honest Rape," which I guess rules it out in cases of "Rape By Deception.” Is this another slap at Israel? Ron Paul: If It's an 'Honest Rape' a Woman Should Go to the Emergency Room, 'Get a Shot of Estrogen'



Saletan: "If you want to drive Planned Parenthood out of the abortion business, don’t send them less money. Send them more. Help Planned Parenthood become what it has wanted to be all along: The organization that helps women avoid unwanted pregnancies, so they don’t have to abort them." The Komen fiasco: How to drive Planned Parenthood out of the abortion business.




Republicans are so intent on proving there's voter fraud that they're committing it themselves. Indiana Republican Secretary Of State Found Guilty Of Voter Fraud




Goldberg: "Boiling wraths! Filthy Zionist entities! Black and dirty microbes! Ahmadinejad is not just an average spewer of anti-Israel invective, he is the Robert Browning of hate. It is not clear why some people won't give him his due." What is At the Root of the Israel-Iran Confrontation?




Perhaps I've been unfair in saying that David Storobin is unfit to hold any government position; he'd make a wonderful Counsel at The Ministry of Truth.  




A guy who runs for office as a victim of religious persecution while simultaneously advocating that other religious minorities be denied the right to have a place to worship now runs a campaign entirely bereft of ideas, which, given his ideas, may actually be for the best. David Storobin’s Game Plan | City and State




Holocaust denier defends Storobin. To Lew Fidler: Is This The Best You Have To Offer? | Room Eight





Fidler likes anything on a rotisserie, even his sport equipment. Still, fantasy sports beats imagining the fantasy that Putin is a great man. Lew Fidler’s Fantasy Sports History




·         Is the resurrection imminent? Maybe we should set the primary for Easter Sunday. Jesus Gonzalez For City Council? | City and State



Jerry Lewis in "The Jazz Singer" AKA "The Day The Clown Cried Mammy." Jerry’s vids