The Gateway (Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts Edition)

Normally, I'd be overjoyed to have made the Times (which I did in this article), but it would have been nice in this case if they interviewed me before printing their article.

While The Times accurately calls State Senate candidate David Storobin "a rookie candidate with a sometimes extreme approach to world politics," it gets a few things wrong.

I'll just note a few caveats.

1) The Times notes "In a 2008 article [which The Times does not link], [Storobin] condemned both Bosnian Muslims and Christian Serbs for committing atrocities."

This is not really true. Storobin didn't condemn the Serbs; he excused them. The Times goes on to note: 

"Mr. Storobin said he had now “adjusted” the article to reflect that the atrocities were more “one-sided” against the Muslims.)."

This is what is known as a lie. I first read the article since deleted, on one of the sites Storobin founded. There is no version of this article on the web where Mr. Storobin adjusts his disgraceful genocide denial. Did the Times fact-check, before it printed Storobin's lying denial? Did it ask him why he joyfully provided a forum for deniers of the Armenian Holocaust? 

2) It is clear that Mr. Storobin does not believe Afrikaner separatists and Minutemen are beyond the pale extremists and sees no reason why it might be wrong to give them an unfiltered forum for their filth. In fact, his whitewash of the Minutemen actually praised their ideas, calling them “very reasonable.”

3) Storobin still whines like a little girl about how he can't help who links him, but, as I've said before, if one strews the sidewalk in front of one’s house with stinking, rotting decaying offal and animal feces, one should really not claim surprise when one attracts the favorable attention of rats, flies and maggots. In Brooklyn, Senate Race Between Fidler and Storobin Takes a Nasty 




Orthodox Pundit: "Also, Room Eight dug up another possibly-incriminating Storobin article. In the last one he's defending Putin-Russia's agressive positions, and thereatens Jewish groups not to defend a Kosovo's goverment whom he describe as anti-semites, because if they do "Russia and its allies would be fully justified in aiding Hamas in Gaza as payback."

In the same article he also faults "major left-leaning Jewish organizations (who) chose to help the former Nazi SS volunteer who became the Bosnian President" – putting Jews and Nazis in one sentence." Orthodox Pundit: News & Political Analysis




Summary of this Post article: “Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.”

I'd say at $84,000 we got off cheap.

Colin Campbell: wow, ooooooooooooooold news ‘Silver’ lining




Asked to explain why he would run against Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez. Erik Dilan actually said “I have my reasons right now, but they are internal. We’ll be developing and laying out a public rational in time. But right now, I’m in the early stages at this point.”

Res Ipsa Loquitar.
NYC Councilman Erik Martin Dilan: "Actively Considering" Congressional Challenge To Rep. Nydia Velas





Nearly everything I dislike about Kucinich's arch leftism, especially in foreign policy/defense (with the possible exception of his apologias for Assad), is duplicated in Marcy Kaptur, and on the one issue where I know for sure they differ, I prefer Dennis (Kaptur is not 100% pro-choice, while Kucinich renounced his extremist pro-liferism just about the time he set his eyes on the White House).


So, I can't say I'm losing any sleep over this race, but I'm still rooting for Kaptur. Workhorse vs. showhorse in Ohio's 9th?





Chait: "Romney, I have finally decided after cycling through various analogies, is Big Jim from the Bob Dylan ballad “Lili, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts”:

Big Jim was no one’s fool, he owned the town’s only diamond mine

 He made his usual entrance lookin’ so dandy and so fine

 With his bodyguards and silver cane and every hair in place

 He took whatever he wanted to and he laid it all to waste

Romney owns the only diamond mine in the Republican race."

Nice, but Chait skips the next line:


“But his bodyguards and silver cane were no match for the Jack of Hearts.”


And let's remember:

"It was known all around that Lily had Jim's ring

 And nothing would ever come between Lily and the king

 No nothing ever would except maybe the Jack of Hearts."

Eventually, things did not work out as expected:

"The door to the dressing room burst open a Colt revolver clicked

 And big Jim was standing there you couldn't say surprised

 Rosemary right beside him studying her eyes

 She was with big Jim but she was leaning to the Jack of Hearts."

The front runner's luck ran out:

"The next day was hanging day the sky was overcast and black

 Big Jim lay covered up killed by a penknife in the back" 


My only problem with this theory is the winner is supposed to be the “Jack of,” not the “Jack Off.”  Santorum Escapes Mitt’s Moneybags, for Now




Why Gary Johnson does not equal Ron Paul. The daylight between Paul and Johnson





Watch the video; she's a Republican, but I defy you not to cry. "I Don't Miss The Sex"




Although I've always been a strong advocate of reasonable religious accommodation (which inevitably sometimes seems like an oxymoron), Frum has a great big point:

"As Republicans go to war over including contraception in health plans, they are repeating to themselves a reassuring mantra:

 "This is not a contraception issue. This is not a social issue. This is a constitutional issue."

The idea is that they are not against contraception. They are only against requiring any employer or plan to provide contraception if that employer or plan conscientiously objects to contraception….

…Republicans are not proposing to allow employers and plans to refuse to cover blood transfusions if they conscientiously object to them…Or vaccinations…Or medicines derived from animal experimentation….

 No, Marco Rubio's Religious Freedom Restoration bill provides for one conscientious exemption only: contraception and sterilization.

Which means it will be very hard if not impossible to persuade the target audience that this debate is not in fact about contraception." The Contraception Fight

Top of Form



The most devastating aspect of this devastating critique of the Republican critique of Obama on defense/foreign policy is the name of its author:

George Will. Republicans need more than rhetoric on defense.




Ben says even Bob Turner has stopped attacking Obama on Israel. Israel hawks warm to Obama – Ben Smith




Life imitates “Spaceballs” with Assad as President Skroob. Some Suggestions for New Assad E-Mail Passwords




Assad is on track to kill more people in a year than have died on all sides in both Palestinian intifadas since 1987, or died on all sides in three decades of Irish troubles.

So how come so many lefties (and others) think Israel is the world's only human rights problem? Syria On Track to Kill More People Than Died in Both




Kinsley opines about writing quality on the web being superfluous.

Oh why, oh why do I bother? On Web No One Cares If You Write Like a Dog: Michael Kinsley