The Gateway (Return of Rupert Pupkin Edition)

Weprin for Congress, redux?


It is time for this man's friends to do an intervention. David Weprin: Not Ruling Out a Rematch Against Turner




Things are looking even Grimmer. Michael Grimm’s Business Ties Are at Odds With Upright Image




What's a smoke-filled room without Tobacco? Assemblyman Lou Tobacco Not Running for Reelection




Eric Adams: lives in Crown Heights; has a summer home in Newark.




The State Senate proves itself Whitless. Houston Will Get Her Due In Senate After All (UPDATED)




Even when Ruby Diaz is right, he's still wrong.


Yes, there should a Grisanti investigation. But if Grisanti is charged, the investigation should wait until after his case is adjudicated (as it did with Hiram Monserrate).

However, even if Grisanti is not charged, there should be an investigation. There are allegations that Grisanti threw around his title. This is not a criminal offense, but it may very well be inappropriate conduct worthy of disciplinary action. Diaz Sr.: Investigate Mark Grisanti Like You Did Hiram Monserrate




President Bartlett debates David Storobin on genocide, The West Wing – President Bartlett Pwning Kundu (clip)




The Governor is telegraphing that he's pulling his punches. Cuomo Mocks Goo-Goos Redistricting ‘Tirades’




My favorite part of this ad is the end, when Romney gets splashed with Santorum. Rick Santorum's 'Rombo' Ad: Does GOP Candidate's Latest Clip Recall Google Problem?




Sorry, but I've more important things to worry about than whether some strange religion (but aren't they all) baptizes me after I'm dead. And I think asking Mitt about this is as legit as if animal rights nuts confronted Chuck Schumer about Kapparot (which is a far greater abomination, since unlike my late relatives, the chickens start the process while still alive). Mitt Romeny and Forced Mormon Baptism | The Daily Gotham




Genghis Khan as GOP frontrunner?


Sad thing is, the first time I read it through, I thought it was serious.


Second time I wondered why Mitt just didn't attack Khan as an illegal immigrant. Romney Straining to Get to the Right of Genghis Khan




Just because Ron Paul’s a deranged conspiracy nut doesn't mean they aren't out to get him. Under Fire, Maine GOP Recounting Caucus Vote Totals




Next, the GOP will claim that irony imposes an intolerable burden on the free exercise rights of Christian conservatives to impose their lifestyle choices upon everyone else. Congressional Birth Control Hearing Involves Exactly Zero People Who Have a Uterus




Same Sex Marriage as the Triumph of the Conservatives (Part 102). Charles Murray Now Backs Marriage Equality

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