The Gateway (The Latter Day Saints of Larry David Edition)

Mitt is master of his own domain (though in this case, the contest is who can masturbate the most).  


The question begs: do Mormons celebrate Festivus?


To harken to a different Larry David production, I have no trouble Curbing My Enthusiasm. Mitt channels George Costanza




The Romneys are one scary family; someone call the ASPCA! Seamus Was Not The Only One!




Fish in a Barrel Department: A Romney Caption Contest?


The jokes just write themselves: Romney Blog Caption Contest I: The Winners




Santorum is accused of also reversing himself on abortion and I feel a strange compulsion to defend him.


First, Santorum’s initial "pro-choice" position really wasn't, when you read the fine print.


Santorum supported virtually all of the more popular restrictions, and wanted to fund "pregnancy crisis centers," which are basically a consumer fraud in the guise of a medical service, so his position really didn't evolve that much.


More importantly, as has been documentedom/blogs/xx_factor/2012/01/05/rick_santorum_has_worked_hard_at_denying_you_the_medical_opti, Santorum and his wife suffered what was a life altering experience during one of her pregnancies (it served as a model for an incident in the Joe Klein novel "The Running Mate"); I think their response to the incident was weird and counterintuitive, but there is no doubt it was sincere–and that it really accounts for Santorum's "evolution" (something he doesn't otherwise believe in) on the issue (such that it was).


This is just not analogous to a militantly pro-choice Governor shifting 180 degrees because he decided to run for president. ) and elsewhere, Santoorum and his wife suffered what was a life altering experience during one of her pregnancies (it served as a model for an incident in the Joe Klein novel "The Running Mate"); I think their reponse to the incident was counterintuituve and weird, but there is no doubt it was since–and that it really account for Santorum's "evolution" (something he doesn't otherwise believe in) on the issue (such that it was).

This is just not analogous to a militantly pro-chocie Governor shifting 180 degrees because he decided to run for preesident. Santorum in 95: 'I Was Basically Pro-Choice All My Life, Until I Ran For Congress'




When your political career was ended by David Duke, losing the nomination to the likes of Paul, Santorum and Gingrich actually isn't much of an embarrassment. Then There Were … Still Four: Buddy Roemer Leaves GOP Presidential Race : NPR




Obama sings Sweet Home Chicago with B.B and Buddy (Guy, not Roemer).


How could a political blogger named Gatemouth be anything but awed by this? Obama sings again




Goldberg on Iran #1: "The Obama Administration, through its stalwart opposition to the Iranian nuclear program, has narrowed Iran's maneuverability, and forced the regime to make some obvious errors…It is precisely because the Obama Administration has constructed a sanctions program without precedent, and because the Obama Administration has funded and supported multinational cyber-sabotage efforts against the Iranian nuclear program, that Iran is panicking and lashing-out….


…Iran's leaders themselves didn't take Obama seriously. After all, George W. Bush labeled Iran's government a member of the axis of evil, but then did nothing much at all to thwart its ambitions. But Obama, while avoiding rhetorical drama, has actually done more to stop Iran than the Bush Administration ever did."  Memo to Republicans: Obama Is Tougher on Iran Than George W. Bush




Goldberg on Iran #2: "The wife of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan Behdast, the scientist was assassinated in Tehran last month, says her husband's "ultimate goal was the annihilation of Israel." Why would someone involved in Iran's peaceful nuclear program have as a goal the murder of six million Jews? Shouldn't he have sought another line of work, perhaps with Hezbollah, that would have set him on track to reach this goal? How could he possibly achieve his dream as an employee of such a peaceful nuclear program as Iran's?" Iranian Scientist's Wife Says Husband Sought Annihilation of Israel




It's getting Grimmer all the time. Grimm hires scandal-scarred aide.




Watching Charlie Rangel dance, my joke would normally be that he shouldn't quit his day job, but actually, Charlie quitting his day job might not be such a bad idea. ONE OF MY GREATEST MOMENTS WITH CONGRESSMAN CHARLIE RANGEL



The Boylands are “The Kennedys of Brownsville”?

"Ax not what you can do for your district…."

I have to say that from the companion story and personal observation, Frank is the real piece of work in the family (with Tracy taking second place), but even some of the Boyland family's greatest critics, both black and white, will readily admit that the late Thomas and the early Frank both came into politics more interested in building housing than dynasties.

Once they built both; now they smoke cigarettes, play video games and talk about legacy. Boylands Go Bust in Brooklyn: Is William Jr. the Last of the ‘Kennedys of Brownsville’?



"Storobin claims to be the first immigrant from the former Soviet Union to run for elected office in the United States."

This will be news to Assemblyman Alec Brook-Krasny, Ari Kagan (who Brook-Krasny beat), Oleg Gutnik, Anatoly Eisenberg and Albert Cohen (who Storobin contributed to). Hamodia – The Daily Newspaper of Torah Jewry




In talking about a classy lady who happens to be a political opponent, Frank Seddio shows some class himself: “We’re not adversaries, we’re competitors. I love Mercedes. She’s a great person, she tries hard and she’s built her own credentials in the community,”  Old Friends Battle For Lew Fidler’s Council Seat




A lot of good people think the NYPD shouldn't be spying on Muslims in Newark, but I'm not sure Malcolm X would agree. | Latest News from the Associated Press




Masterfully snide Bouldin piece about those who want to boycott Israel at the People's Democratic Republic of the Slope Ministry of Nutrition.

One thing Bouldin misses is that no one there on either side of the issue seems to have any problem with products from places like China (and probably regard Venezuelan goods as especially life-affirming).

Anyway, if the Boycott Israel resolutions passes, I’m urging my sister-in-law, who manages a natural food store in the area (run on the anachronistic free-market model) to offer a year-long discount to anyone who can present her with a burnt or mutilated Food Co-op membership card. On boycotting Israel in Brooklyn | The Daily Gotham