The Gateway (Martine Guerrier Edition)

Ladies and Gentlemen and school children of all ages, meet Martine Guerrier: Gate's nominee for the smartest, most exciting dark (perhaps not the best choice of words) horse candidate for state legislature this year. I will have more to say about this topic in the near future. Former ‘Chief Mom’ Files for Hakeem Jeffries’ Assembly Seat





Redistricting passes the Senate with four Dem votes as Klavino feeds democracy to its pet iguana (actually one less Dem vote than I predicted, since I thought they had Ruby D as well—but remember that prediction in the extremely unlikely event there's a veto). Senate Democrats Stage Walk Out Over Redistricting




As predicted. Skelos And Silver See Little Chance of Deal On Congressional Lines





Gounardes criticizes Golden for not aggressive enough about redistricting.

Pardon me, but I find the district Golden drew for himself quite sufficiently aggressive. Gounardes: Golden Ignoring Redistricting Problem | Bensonhurst News Blog




Progressive Watch: Daily Gotham checks in again on Fidler; Albany Project still missing in inaction. Critical Special Election March 20th: Vote for Lew Fidler for State Senate | The Daily Gotham




John Messer apparently believes that sharing a bed with an Asian-American makes him one himself.

By that criterion, Strom Thurmond is black. First Candidate For “Asian” Senate Seat is Caucasian | City and State





New club seeks to make Southern Brooklyn Dems more liberal.

Right; that's the ticket for electoral victory in Southern Brooklyn

Are they being financed by the GOP?

I'd settle for making them stop endorsing Republicans. But that aside, a moderate is quite preferable to troglodytes who just discovered fire last week and now want to burn down the 20th and 21st centuries. Youth uprising! Upstart political club vows to take on the GOP — and the Democratic establishment




There are things we can do in Syria, short of war–we should be doing them. Yes, American can act in Syria!




There are things in Iran we are doing short of war–or Obama and Bibi as "good cop, bad cop." The Beneficial Netanyahu-Obama Partnership




Whether it's Cheesy Grits or Cheese Streak, these Mass pols have a long way to go assimilating regional cholesterol gorging. Photo oop: Kerry eats a cheesesteak hoagie … with Swiss